Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wireless Headphones For Sansa

P. 296. The fortified church Tavaux


South of Thiérache and its proliferation of fortified churches: the valley of Serre buildings with military-religious Cilli, of Bosmont , Tavaux and Agricourt.
Map from: On a border with France. Thiérache. Aisne , texts, photography and mapping under the direction of Martine Plouffe, Association for the generalization of the Picardy Regional Inventory, 2003, 287 p.
(Assembly JPO / DR).

Published May 13
a thirteenth step on the path
fortified churches Thiérache:

To get there, plenty of choice:
from the north, down the D 587 or D 25
West or, conversely, the D 58 is monitoring the
south, up the D 25

(Ph . JPO / DR).

First impression by appearing at the western entrance: Tavaux is taken in a sort of spider web woven by a son and many other cables that plague ...
Here, the term referring to the church in the village takes on a quite overwhelming ...

Before going further, a look at the numbers of service.
Tavaux: altitude 110 meters at the center.
561 inhabitants in an area of 25.7 km2.

(Ph. JPO / DR).


- "The church has undergone many alterations over the centuries.
In the early church of the 12th century remains only a part of the west, with a large bell semicircular bay and provided an elegant clerestory. The tower is supported by braces seem to be the only remnants of the sides of the aisle today missing, however, remains substantially altered, since a tower was right next to the north transept to the 15th-16th centuries.
As for the western portal, it was rebuilt in the same time. The nave and the choir have been largely rebuilt in the 17th century. "

(Ph. JPO / DR).

When the tower, with its experience accumulated during six centuries and is mindful of his old brown stone, makes the sun of a spring finally decided to differentiate itself from a winter playing overtime ...

(Ph. JPO / DR) .

Far from the austere smooth and glowing from the vast majority of the fortified churches Thiérache, which in turn accumulate and bricks do not agree as only a few geometric fantasies at Tavaux stones are angelic or human figures (we will not confuse it anyway).
And talk. At least suggest. With the final in their messages. Like words frozen.

(Ph. JPO / DR).

In the few writings on this church, no allusion to what Tavaux has offered a stage, or at least be located on a path to Saint Jacques de Compostela ... But the shell decorating The porch is oversized. Leaving no room for some unknown accident. Alas, pollution deposit their leprosy. Which corrode the stone. She lost the desire to dance the nights of full moon, when only the ghosts of former Wolves slip between the trees dormant and fly the memories of all those owls nailed to doors superstitious.

(Ph. JPO / DR).

To overcome this porch blinded, people came:
of Long skates
Mount Reverse,
of us believe,
Rary Wood, Wood Cross, or wood Hoyaux,
du Caillou,
of Molembur,
of Ten Jallois,
Coast of Chaudrier,
Lands Malaysia or the Earth to Turnips,
Cross Montcornet,
of sub-Maye,
the Pasture ...

(Ph. JPO / DR).

In the cemetery surrounding the church, the grave of Marcel Charmet:
- "Killed by the Germans August 30, 1944 at the age of 18 years."

Le Courrier Picard

- "On 30 August 1944, a detachment of SS Panzer Division Hitler and Adolf Hitler, who recoils from Normandy, was hung by local resistance. In retaliation, the Commander of German Unity - whose name has never been solved - the gun fired on houses Tavaux and ordered the execution of twenty people including two children, a girl and a boy aged 6 years.
The next day Plomion the SS at bay perpetuate another massacre: Fourteen people were shot and their houses burned. And September 2, to respond to an attack by resistance fighters in the hamlet on the town of Gard Etreux the SS rifle thirty-six inhabitants and burn farms and goodwill. "
(November 15, 2009).

Alain Nice

- "Tavaux Plomion Etreux and are among the many martyrs villages of France, along qu'Oradour-sur-Glane.
After liberation, the village of Tavaux was awarded the medal Resistance. The name of Tavaux figure in bronze letters in the memorial of the Resistance Vassieux-en-Vercors. "
(Alain Nice Tavaux 30-31 August 1944. History of a tragedy, Preface GH Lallement , book published at the author, revised and enlarged edition, 2009).



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