Sunday, June 6, 2010

Orbital Filling Diagram For Bromine

P. 293. Colette and the Normandy landing in New York

Colette journalist, chronicles and reports 1893-1955 ,
Text established, annotated and presented Gérard Bonal and Frederick Maget,
Seuil, 2010, 371 p.

June 1935:
(d) written for The Journal
its discovery in New York ...

4th cover:

- "We must see and not invent," was the rule of Colette journalist. She recounts the trial of a serial killer, the maiden voyage of the Normandie, the humble life of women in the back during the two world wars, or that animals or children, the same look that focuses on Colette beings: open, curious, sharp, direct. One way of perceiving the world through the senses that belongs to her.
Great working letters, Colette was also during half a century, a tireless reporter and probably the writer of the twentieth century have devoted much time to the press: Le Matin, Le Figaro, Le Journal, Paris Soir Marie-Claire ... It worked dozens of newspapers, written columns and stories, all his life, with the regularity and thoroughness of a true professional. And the talent of a great writer.
hundred thirty articles resurface today archives of the French press. A whole section of the work and the largest collection of unreleased tracks released since the death of the writer. "

Bernard Pivot:

- Bel writer Colette was also, we know less well-known journalist, working for over a half-century with a string of dailies, weeklies and magazines. His signature was sought. More his talent as a reporter and columnist, and correspondent of drama critic, portraitist and billets mood. Freelance journalist to earn money, yes, yes, but mostly because she liked it. Gérard Bonal Maget and Frederick, two specialists from Colette, who made the selection of papers in the volume, have reason to speak of a kind of jubilation "to write in the press.
His "thunderbolt" for New York, his impressions of the city, are more interesting than the vapid story of the first crossing of the Atlantic by ocean liner Normandie. His curiosity is always alert, and his indignation, always quick to come forward. "
(JDD, April 17, 2010).

French Line: Le Havre - New York (DR).

Colette, June 1, 1935:

- "I wanted to see the Normandy to myself. I recognize now that it's not easy, even leaving daybreak the bed and cab. For those long days, dawn is no mystery. The deep red, austere, the blood color and heartbreaking almost all babies who denounced the approach of the sun quickly turns into gold, tapered and clouds, still flush with the sea, warmed up, getting lighter and fly ".
(P. 148).

June 3:

-" Never again shall we shall see that, never again will we forget. We are still in Quarantine, but the city forward momentum came to meet us. A flight of aircraft multicolored of autogyros surrounds us, we feast We cover petal paper. The sea around us balance it has so many shells waves. The human crowd, loading bridges, and mingle their sirens screaming, scraps of the Marseillaise quiver in the wind picked up in passing through our hearts, our acclaimed voice hoarse (...).
Behind a blue haze, the group of giant rises, grows slowly, dying of head fog, the sun provides the building fronts with no human could equal boldness. "
(pp. 150 -151).

The liner Normandie in New York, it is unfortunately not useful to click on the photo to enlarge aerial view and see the plume of Colette (CD).

June 5:

- "A stormy sunset, a thick blue and unthinned, descends upon the city which I would like to see unknown hatch first star. But no first star in New York.
By fiery serpents, for rectangular constellations, for eclipses, resurrections, by red spheres, clusters of blue phosphor volcanic figures, doomsday announcements, tracks celestial dotted with pearls, jet, droplets, stunts by stars and hair, falling by candy-pink fiery hell by purple and green of spring, the night was made manifest, sudden crash of light. "
(P. 152).

June 7:

- "Little by little the last vapors rise, a bright ray means a tiny Normandy docked at further and makes visible the whole city.
Claire, raised only by violent bursts of vertical architecture, its beauty proceeds from the obvious mistake and quadrilateral geometry that deviates strongly from the right angle.
Eye explores the point and do get lost, the spirit there is no fever, but I bring the old world of habit and the thirst of curved lines. A dome, a circus, a helix, a winding path, whatever? an oval reflecting pool, give me a curve when it is only round the curve of a jet of water. "
(P. 153).

June 10:

- "I can not complain about a bit of a Harlem gentrified, spotted here and there with white and cooled by a chill wind that threw us in the face for spraying water, with a crescent moon dull the edge that cut through the clouds.
And the Savoy Ballroom} {languished, half full. We felt were not better than the quality of black dancers and their isolation in a deep still epilepsy.
The place has its beauty, music-fueled by an excellent jazz behind which runs a backdrop of blue sky and clouds painted. Its novelty is precisely this sort of erotic satisfaction that black family tasted it before yesterday. Tightly bound the loins of the cheek, they seemed to delegate the care of their feet dancing and dreaming away from them. "
(P. 156).

Colette dreaming of Normandy (Mont. JPO / DR).


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