Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is Lotion Good For Masterbaition

P. 295. Meet 3 women writers

A as beds and temperature ( Dr. JEA / DR).

Laurence Thirion
Colette Nys-Mazure
and Christine Van Acker
Circle of the Rotunda
this Saturday, June 12 at 17h

at 28 Rue de Rome in Ixelles (near St Gilles du Parvis ), held meetings with feathers to discover behind the covers and pages of their books. The ivory towers ajar. Words and ideas and dreams are exchanged without intermediate ...
leading discussions, readings, discussion with the public but also the signatures, the initiative is carried by the Cercle de la Rotonde in partnership with La Maison Du Livre.
next Saturday, three women writers will listen to their original literatures.
The first is almost known to readers (masc. gram.) Of this blog. Indeed, Laurence Thirion, you will find marks on the pages 247 , 219 and 100 ... Including this excerpt from a brief presentation:

Laurence Thirion

- "read Laurence as others breathe. Head in the clouds pages. Gliding on the water accomplice Παντα ρει και ουδεν μενει . The barge was being transformed by boat book.
Until this music festival in Charleville an accomplice of the river and unrecognizable. It really disappeared. Party seeking a Rimbaud may be back, incognito, returned inspired, even more desperate.
In summary, our Athenaeum heir of three centuries, his class when he was tossed out of a little over too short. Her appetite also asked that juvenile is placed on the menu of the Boris Vian Taste generals ... "

Laurence Thirion, Absences, Memory Press, 2008 (Mont. JPO / DR ).

4th cover:

- "Seven houses in all and for all, including two in ruins and not an outside cat.
Michel, a teacher discouraged Brussels, found in a desert hamlet of Larzac to mourn Paul, son of twenty-eight years. Beyond the dead space, generations, links are forged and perpetuate life. "


-" We do not accept the dead, whatever we do. If sadness remains intact, however, the survival instinct puts it in a corner of our brain and sometimes appears unexpectedly as a book familiar as one leafs from time to time and which finds its place in the library our lives. Dust covers it, cleaned from time to time, the text has not changed and the emotion that accompanies it has not dulled despite the years. Nevertheless, the wise chooses life and knows that this reading is contrary to happiness. It is therefore not read this story when he rarely feels the strength to bear her tears and absurdity.
Paul died, the river still flows, clear and beautiful, the sun marvels at the beauty and lizards swoon under his brilliance.
If Michael does not take advantage of these moments, this rosy picture is not for anyone. Life must prevail, there is no point in carrying him to his agony, in the gloom and regret.
He does not betray Paul if he chooses to live, he goes on! "

Presentation by CERL

-" Young Belgian civil law, endowed with his pen and brush, his first story appeared absences from Memory Press in 2008, although it was started in 1999 to 21 years ... At once modest and ambitious, this novel explores the life of a mature man, Michael, retired in the arid Larzac, where he recalls his trials, the most burning was the death of his adopted son. The arrival of visitors and correspondence with a young woman injured, will gradually take its Michel lethargy. Past tenses continually alternate with the present, memories are woven latent desires. "

Colette Nys-Mazure, Losing foot , DDB, 2008 (Mount . JPO / DR).

Colette Nys-Mazure, 4th Cover:

- "All roads lead to the sea
On this beach North, a painter has placed his easel. He painted the changing sky, the silhouettes on vacation. But here is a crazy horse splits the space and reveals to each his share of dreams and suffering. Residents or tenants, we have five or sixty-five, sometimes you lose up: one asks the vital questions and they needed a close echo of others. The young man in a wheelchair plays the teenage father of evil, a large family playing near a lonely woman and a couple relish the joy of growing old together.
solitudes are hungry for attention, affection and reassurance. But how to take off when the tide too strong shook the delicate balance? In this novel, the author of Celebration of the daily continues his exploration of faces and landscapes, things of life, searching for the most part under the appearances. "


-" Julian felt the storm coming. When closing the door window, he saw rising palms, happy faces with closed eyes of Tom and Mathieu receiving the first drops very large, herald of the surge. Children stranded on the breakwater and the voice alert:
- Go fast, you'll be soaked!
Julian running naked in the garden under the summer shower, caught by his mother. My little mad. Wrapped in a towel as blue as the flower lavender bags which she slipped away in the cupboard to dry, sure, but still reeling from the lightning, thunder, tornado. She, too, hair dripping the smell of rain.
Tonight, sky and beach washed with water, no one to taste the freshness back where are the seagulls? In the dark rising, the sand turns black. Just the trawlers and the rotating light of lighthouse to face the night. You experienced any shortage in rooms numb, you thought to die and suddenly you here in central void through appeals. Under the door, someone slipped a sheet of paper drawing of a kite colorful flying over the legs of a clumsy statement: Julian, I love you, who needs no signature. On the Horizon, September, his loneliness, his rigor. Will I have enough strength? "

Presentation by the Circle:

-" The writer Tournai, whose fame has spread far beyond the borders of Belgium and French, with essays Celebration as the daily presence or Secret, indicating a first novel, Losing foot (Desclée de Brouwer, 2008) wrote in residence in Rome, and a book of images and words, "To both of us ! (Bayard, 2008), designed to create links between "the children of today and yesterday's children." The narrative accounts of the writer is subtle, suggestive as his poetry, going mainly by light touches. It never comes out completely unscathed, the emotion is flush with the turn of a phrase, a word so just. "

Christine Van Acker, Boat -scissors, Ed Ampersand, 2007 (Mont. JPO / DR).

Christine Van Acker, 4th Cover:

- "At the option of everyday moments and extraordinary events weaves a particular reality, that of a child on a barge. It is a simple environment where Work occupies all the space and the books are rushed.
This story tells the child in its construction to adulthood: the barge at the school, with those of "a-terre »,... and especially through the discovery of reading. This journey, learning to explore personal touches us by its fragility, but also by its tentative determination to quench a thirst for discovery initiated by reading. "


-" The past advance.
Issue of this material agitated, hoisted by the living, I was born.
The Forgotten carried me forward.
My nature is deep planting, dormant or prolific.
memory traces its grooves, scratches along the way, chokes or spreads.

Books belong to those who have made me invisible.
They are the league when I did with anyone.
They are traveling when I could not even try to escape.
are these shares myself that I could not see.
They brought me here. "

Presentation by the Circle:

-" The author of the autobiographical narrative wonderful Boat scissors (Ampersand, 2007, with inks Vero Vandegh), relations with bittersweet humor of his childhood on a barge, is also a facilitator of writing workshops and creative of the association Great Lunar , publishing books, and audio visual and radio documentaries - like "The last stone " (published Notes from Desert Moon , 2009) - hailed by many price.

Free admission for this event.

Channel: or via La Maison du Livre, 28 rue de Rome, 1060 Brussels.

Tel: 02/543.12.24 Website: (Pre-metro: Parvis St Gilles).



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