Sunday, June 20, 2010

Different Type Vignias

P. 300. Page nomadic Amaryllis

(Ph. JPO / DR).

Amaryllis and Broken
Mo (t) saïques. ..

His responsibility is not negligible even if it does it is revealed today.
The " Broken words " Amaryllis remain a sesame. The first door ajar and opened on galaxies blogs. Anchor them or dab it or move it in light years of near infinity of blogs in stock, or uprisings, in revelations ... But originally, only one star, one of Amaryllis, announced these worlds not all virtual, multiplying the plural, each with its own ritual.
So first blog discovered first curiosity turning into a first fidelity that does not erode over time. Remain intact and many perennials and share the pleasures of his writing and illustrations-emotions.
Today, the 300th Page of mo (t) saïques the host, is never just a homecoming ...

Amaryllis? His answer:

- "table Raphaële Colombi.
Amaryllis Why? It is a striking flower but also the name of a butterfly. Amaryllis is also a shepherdess, sung by Virgil with a bad temper. "

Her voice

Click HERE when she reads the Michaux.

His page nomadic

- "Some mornings, it squeaks as it needs its minimum dose of hope to rise. Writing without thinking. Writing without obvious intent without reflection, without censorship. inkless Add faded, black and red as ever. Add to stretch, lengthen the time. Writing to remember, to whisper or scream. To Mary Ma Lys. Sigh. Add anything anyhow to fill. The words do not come out, but where they remain trapped ? Right brain or left brain. This is not an issue.
She rants, shapeless, deformed, distorted the words and sounds. What are his doodles, his spots on the paper? It is a child too much emotion, too much honey. She hates pink, pink body, skinned, pink barbie doll, the marshmallow, marshmallow, cotton candy (he never had a beard, is not that there is the other). She unlocks the door without worry. She looks at the sky and its erasures. She prefers to paint itself as blue miracle. Where does it well? In a cardboard backdrop. Caution, dangerous game, you have already lost and you do that again. You, she, you, what? Can you answer! No, we must look again. Find the tone, style. Tuna, she had already eaten. there is nothing left, nothing. She believes in pieces, they are nocturnal variations without music. She walks a tightrope, sleepwalker. Everyone is waiting when it will fall but it always catches up at the last moment. They are a little disappointed. No blood, nothing to tell. But when will she be let go this life? She is now committed, so she clings as she can. Why do not they understand? She sees the shadows but it also sees the sun. Do not think, on your continued momentum words unrelated to you, with her You, it's you and she ... at the same time it's someone else, a twin that you look and observe, detailed with a lot of distance, without love. What are you doing? Wild abandon you without therapy. Then rebuild, build something coherent, prune. Crossing the roads. Have desires, be alive. Continue to take and make. Do not be in denial. Be a receptacle of the events and accept them, write them, analyze them. Losing a feeder, its softening but not to repeat mistakes. Using his eye as a camera. Do not rush but behave like a spy and avoid the feathers of the peacock and its wheel. Search light that moves (nor too bright nor dull), the agreement which echoes, vibrations that avoid dissonance. Remove the thorns of the eye, put them back on the rose. What escapes first, what are the voices disappeared. Braving the text, hold her head, tame. Do not avoid the world as it does, but bumping into it, take it on face, face to face.
These are not lies, just adding a little music into reality.
A man, a woman who fall, they were simply the wrong direction? and roundabouts ? She leaves to travel too subtle to let go without a map or plan. Yet with the maps where the GPS, it can not be wrong or is it vice versa? She looks insistently the eye of the letter and the ampersand is beautiful, isolated, alone, fearful. She looks at the day parade and makes them think of the eye does, she says, she says (sub-Duras they think!) Make bubbles phrases that are useless. She wrote behind a window open and scatter the letters one after the other. That is all gone and so much better. Magpies continue to chatter. "

Amaryllis: "Shadow raised (DR).



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