Friday, May 28, 2010

Prevent Leather Shoe Creases

P. 288. "Kayn aynorè" the evil eye Maurice Winnykamen savings!

Maurice Winnykamen,
Tribute, An Account of a hidden child,
Ed Writers, 2001, 145 p.

Not a
but 145 pages nomadic
signed Maurice Winnykamen

His blog "Déferlantes and skimmer" contained in the links. Maurice Winnykamen not come here make a page but an entire book. His true story of hidden child. Because her parents had multiple qualities of Jews, resistance fighters and communists. All three and all their families were, if we dare to write, prime targets for the Holocaust.
Aisik Winnykamen So Charlotte and took the most agonizing decision: to part with their son - the time of war - to put it away if possible. Upstairs in Savoy. Among peasants, Pegaz, who knew well pertinant risk their own lives for hosting as one of their own this little persecuted.

Some pebbles picked up at Throughout this story one (e) documentary films could follow without having to rework ...

Dedication Mauritius Winnykamen:

- "I dedicate this testimony to all the world's children.
they invent peace!"
(p. 7).

The defeat of 1940:

- "It was now the fault of the foreigners if France was betrayed. If she had lost the war. We began to watch accents. The accents were not lacking. There were the accents of the Democrats condemned in the totalitarian countries, like my grandfather Lazarus. Those of ordinary people who fled the brown plague. Those of ordinary immigration. Those Alsatians too. And then there were the accents of sincerity. Those were the worst. There were abuses.
These dead horses:
- "blame the communists."
These bodies of children, women and men:
- "blame the Jews."
I heard all this without understanding anything other than my fear. I was six. "
(P. 30).

Decline in Lyon:

- "Charlotte - it is the mother of Boris - carries the bags of weapons and, later, take care of children in hiding. Aisik became" Julie. "Julien Lieutenant. The illegal military training of the ME, preparation, execution of "actions" and weapons handling, that's what he cares for, this scholar who dreamed only of poetry.
Boris's parents have changed their names to families. In Winnykamen they have Winny. It sounds more French that we can detect it a foreign sounding. Less Jew, anyway. name - it will not be the only one they will during the Resistance - , they keep later. They are done themselves. They can be proud.
mother Boris trip. He is often alone at home.
His "za Douve" (grandfather David) is locked in a garret, his Yiddish accent very pronounced. S are doubts: "Tzou-Tzou Tzou," his complaints: "Oi Vai mit", small and large follies which is populated the world: "michiguouné", "ganz michigué" and we also troublemakers are surrounded, "the tzourès. It is neither the time greeting: "mazel'tov!" Nor that of the wear toast: "The h'aim" nor able to meet the kosher kitchen, "the kashrus."
With David Lonie. His long hair already white, wearing in a bun, her face pale and smooth, the smell of cleanliness in the slum where they live, immediately draw Boris. He recognizes and loves it, between his grandfather and a perfect understanding and stabilizes. "
(PP 36-37).

Maurice Winnykamen turns on its past Hidden Child (Dr. Arch. fam. Winnykamen M., Mt. JPO / DR).

Boris becomes Marcel

- "Boris is dead, long live Marcel. So here it arrived in his new home in the mountains, Montcel, at Lili and Raymond Pegaz {}. Just her mother she had time to spend a short night in his bed. It comes down early in the morning, sneaking toward the valley, to hell, leaving him alone with her eight years and his questions.
How different town! For as hay for harvesting, threshing and harvesting, the whole village works together, one day at a farm and in the other day. Because they are not " Ava, "they are not of this city below, where people lock themselves in the solitude that creates fear, distrust each other, fearing the accusation, and that will say it.
How could I, at my age, think and say such things! It's simple. Is that these things, I had seen them, I had lived! I had a haste to forget, become Savoyard, a real one, a Savoyard normal, not a Jew in Savoie. "
(PP 41-42).

In class, the catechism:

- "In truth, Marcel remembers less and less he is Jewish. It depends on days. He feels only a little different. But all the first class are a little different, right? The best in catechism, too. So! Him, he's both. It has the best grades in class, he sings loud and clear singing of the Marshal and he is the favorite pupil of the priest who has a low, precisely, to the Marshal.
Mr. priest taught the young parishioners, the catechism, that Jesus was born poor and naked in a barn. Often, Marcel look between the legs of Blackie, the Blanchette and dogfish, animals (cows) of Pegaz. He hopes to see on fresh straw, a baby and maybe the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Magi. That's why he likes to change the litter of animals. but he is still disappointed. "
(PP 49-50).

Albert, his comrade arrested by the Gestapo

-" Marcel and his friend have a tough discussion:
You sing like a foot, "said Albert.
- It's not true, "replied Marcel. Even as the parish priest told me and also the Master, no, I just sing.
- Exactly, "said Albert. AC, you can not do.
- You say that because you're jealous and you're not heading to.
- Your songs are silly "
-" You're just a little Jew, like me, "said Albert. And a traitor. You're not allowed to serve Mass on Sunday. Or vespers. Or sing the Marshal. "

(...) In their chin black, the Gestapo came looking for him. A child of ten years, Albert and his adoptive family with him. They déculottèrent Albert constatèrent his circumcision ... The Massonnat of top missing.
Albert, "I look back on your galoshes with wooden soles which concurred with mine on our roads metalled. Are they shown, anonymous accusers, included in the piles of shoes found at Auschwitz-Birkenau? "
(pp. 60-62).

More than 12 years:

-" Marcel has over twelve years. He became a real farmer. Obviously, not! No! In good Savoyard, he adds that "No!" almost every sentence. As if to reinforce the meaning. Those in the city of "ava" would say: "Is not it!". Here, it says: "No!". "You're dev'nu a man, no!". "So, do not!", "Necessarily, no!". To play, kids invent their own games. The games begin on the farm at dawn. They end at nightfall.
Marcel does not play cops and robbers. he's not playing at war, either. He could not save a child in play, even after a simple piece of wood. "
(pp. 113-114).

From left to right. Willy Winnykamen offering his book to Pegaz Lili, the one who saved him (Arch. Fam. Winnykamn W / DR).

The tears of his father

- "Pulling black front, with the inscription "FTP" painted in white on the doors and a tricolor flag stuck on top of the gasifier, left the road and stopped before the door closes (...). Several men, young, unshaven, quite cheerful but attentive to the slightest sound, his eyes alert, the weapon to the ramp to go ashore. One of them pressed his gun against the wing of the vehicle and is Marcel in his arms. He rises to the sky and set a good time. Then he said: "Boris, I am your father, remember? Kiss Daddy."
him, he covers her son with kisses. Awkwardly, Marcel debate.
(...) The other urging them Chief:
- "Leash Jilien! There is still that kind oune. We must comprondre. Plis later til'verras s'arrongera siremont it."
(...) The visit lasted only two minutes. Today, sixty years later, two minutes of eternity. My father has water on his cheeks. There is no shame in front of his men. Me, I hate war. I hate her for showing me when I was thirteen, my father's tears. "
(pp. 125-126).

It's almost the end:

- "We find some Bousquet in the entourage of a President Republic Papon and the office of warden of the Republic. Still others will be elected by the people. No, National Socialism has not lost everything. Many of his enemies make him even a bed for tomorrow.
is almost the end. Victory is at hand. This victory will not see the little guys Plateau Glières nor those of the Vercors, or thousands of their friends. I learned that there are different words to talk about themselves. Comrades at the communists, is one. Brothers, among Catholics, too. And friends in the suburbs. Friends among the bourgeoisie. Companions among the Gaullists. Buddy is the most widely used because it is, alone all the others combined. "
(P. 127).

The war is over:

-" The war is over. Marcel found a Dad and Mom, miraculously unscathed. They come to take him back to town. Definitely.
His Father remembered his reluctance when he wanted to kiss his hand to him as a man. Her mom, after having covered it with kisses, do not let go.
As Marcel clings to Lili and Raymond, she explains:
- "Boris the Pegaz are not your mother and father. Your mother, it's me, the great dark lady who was visiting you sometimes. "
(...) It tears at Michael Montcel. For him, the verb pull rings true.
It is no longer a Pegaz . It is no longer a Monctcellois. It's more Marcel. It has become or again become, he does not know, Boris. "
(PP 137-138).

- "Marcel was Jewish goyim but Boris the Jew had left the past behind him, starting the Montcel. He had left with her and her Pegaz Massonnat; with all Savoyards. He had left with the remains of his old life. With farm animals. With his cows: the Blanchette, Blackie and the Dogfish. Pompon and with his horse and his dog boby. And most importantly, it left the shadow of Albert. "
(P. 143).


-" Worthy of the brave, you were the honor of my country.
You, the forgotten, "without a medal," the simple, to whom I owe you to be alive, and that this testimony may, today, nearly sixty years later, the day see it comes to you one word: TRIBUTE. Tribute to the Righteous!
Your name, I want to quote them in order of Memory. In order of Emotion. They will find their rightful place:
"Resistance of all time: Pegaz and Massonnat my Savoyards, and you, the Parisians, Normans, Bretons, Lyon," I quote you and love you;
"resistant to all places of France, Germany and resistant to all European countries; Resistance in Africa, Asia, America, you all", I quote you and love you. "
I want to sing for you (...) singing supporters .
(P. 131).

Pegaz Amelie (Arch. Fam. Mr. Willykamen / DR).

Based on the record compiled and submitted to Yad Vashem by Maurice Winnykamen:
Pegaz Amelia, Raymond, Maria Theresa and Renee were recognized Righteous Among the Nations .

About Rights Reserved :

Following an article on four righteous and published on another blog , the photos have been copied without permission on a site , which was deliberately truncated source. But these photos we had been entrusted by Maurice Winnykamen for the blog in question and for Mo (t) saïques. Clichés, reworked and reframed by us, are perfectly identifiable. A problem arose Rights Reserved therefore.
The webmaster in question, defended itself by responding in writing: "These photos are in the book."
only problem is that " Tribute, the story of a hidden child " includes no illustration.


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