Saturday, May 29, 2010

Claddagh Ring Meaning Wiki

P. 289. The exhibition you see in Amiens (Somme)


Leo Kouper: exhibition poster " For adults only" in Amiens (DR).

Amiens reinvented hell
drawings for $
adults not allowed


- " The exhibition" For adults only "subtitled" When illustrators draw youth to the great "which was to be presented at Amiens, at the Library département of the Somme from 19 May to 19 July 2010, was canceled by the General Council chairman, Christian Manable (PS). "

Manable Christian, Chairman General

- "I actually canceled - and if you want to use that word, censored - this exhibition. It is fully aware that I took this decision because I felt that some drawings were vectors of a degrading image of women and I refuse the departmental community support such an approach to sexuality, which seems opposed to our values of empowerment.

Some images can not distinguish between woman and child and we are not interested in what makes us ill-trial. "

David Andrieux, Director of Development cultural council:

"This exhibition had been approved by the department, but the president has decided to cancel it when he discovered all of its contents. It appeared that the relationship between the erotic works and their authors, specializing in publishing children's books, produced a mirror inappropriate.
In this department, where there is plenty to do in the social field and the issue of pedophilia is an extremely sensitive subject, it seemed, as a community service, we do were not promote this exhibition brought to circulate in the library system of the department, and therefore visible to everyone.
Neither works nor the quality of the work done by the curator of the exhibition are challenged. "

Daniel Muraz:

-" These drawings " For Adults Only "which should have been exposed to the County Library of the Somme - before the last minute intervention of the President of the General Council - they deserved to know such a hell (the one where, precisely, the works are hidden in the licentious libraries) ? In view of the catalog, the measure is puzzling.
Neither the majority of the General Council, nor its president has never shown a particular date or prudishness of pressure on artists (conversely, in terms of freedom of expression The Department has argued, for example, the film festival grolandais!)
If Christian Manable preferred to cancel the show for fear "that makes us bad trial", the result is far from being achieved. And this is not the nature of his early supporters, far right, which should console him. "
(Le Courrier Picard , May 29, 2010).

Observatory censorship

- "Amazing gift for Hervé Roberti, chief curator, in office for fifteen years, a few weeks of his retirement. A huge sign of respect for all Staff working on the exhibition last year, particularly for Janine Kotwica, curator of the exhibition. She who previously had contributed to the memorable exhibition Pig portrait of a seducer, not expecting such a decision. Specialist Children's Book, it had proposed to illustrators, working for the youth to draw this time "for large". 26 designers have responded "present", but not least: Gilles Bachelet, Michael Backes, Christophe Besse, Michel Boucher, Nicole Claveloux Jean Claverie, Frédéric Clement, Isabelle Forestier, Claire Forgeot, André François, Alain Gauthier, Bruno Heitz, Louis Joos, Lionel Koechlin, Leo Kouper, Georges Lemoine, Daniel Maja, David Wonder, Alan Mets, Jean-Charles Sarrazin, Marcelino Truong, Tomi Ungerer, Zau, Albertine Zullo. Some had even made drawings specially for the exhibition. Prudent, the commissioner had made a choice among adult drawings by Tomi Ungerer yet visible in a museum hall of Strasbourg. Exposure to adults only took place in a departmental library, a place that children are not attending. "
(May 25, 2010).

Janine Kotwica the President of the General Council:

- "I learned with amazement quickly replaced by anger your decision arbitrary, unfair, absurd and ridiculous to prohibit the exhibition for adults only, good-selection of drawings, engravings and paintings gently erotic illustrators, for which j have had a written order dated January 14, 2009, from Hervé Roberti, Chief Curator of the Library of the Somme département.
I worked hard to police this exhibition in which 25 artists who publish in the world have loaned or specially produced works and why Leo Kouper, poster artist of great renown, has carried out five projects. We have, February 17, 2010, submitted to your Director of Cultural Development has consolidated (with enthusiasm, sincere, it seemed to me) that we prefer, as acclaimed by all those we consulted. He also expressed, but he could not be otherwise, given their exceptional quality, his admiration for the originals that I made.
I had a second interview with David Andrieux cordial, with two other employees last week. There was no indication of your ukase which left me in a state close to nausea. If this exhibition faced your delicacy, you had ample time to stop spending, in every sense of the word, much earlier. The ban, to 11 days after the opening, is a foul and villainy.
Your advisors they sometimes attend museums and exhibitions? In an era where the burka is being debated, would they not be tempted to hide in the Louvre, the nakedness of the Venus de Milo, to hide, in Orsay, The origin of the world and in our town halls, to hide the within which they can not see our lovely Marianne? With our small innocuous drawings well, we are far from Lucian Freud and Bettina Rheims exposed at this time with success in Paris. Tartuffe Was Picard? Would you give the image of a province ignorant and backward? "

Eve dressed Eve and Adam, not to confuse them. A censure incurred as the public and other faithful of the Cathedral of Amiens? (Arch. JPO / DR).

To respond to the comment filed by Zoe, here's a link to the reproduction of any signed Alain Gauthier, which has caused the most ire of the President of the General Council. But was nevertheless published by a newspaper ... Can The World Himself has raised some sails ...
Click here: Email Picard .
And here: The World .


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