Monday, May 31, 2010

Wisin & Yandel Jackets

P. 290. An ant, a goldfish, a fox, a toad, irondailes of a lamb, a dog, a cuckoo, a spider, a blackbird, a whale, the firefly ... and no raccoon.


Sunflower with a bow tie (Ph. JPO / DR).

Have you ever met

A bald ant
possibly albino
and taking a lion?

A goldfish neurasthenic
in local
a people's house?

A fox
always a story behind
to give birth outside?

A toad who plays
his skin to dress
tumble cheerleader?

Of hirondailes reveling
seeds stolen
storms oranges?

Forced to etiquette (JEA / DR).

A lamb
past the finger of a horizon
exalted exile?

A blind dog
hurtling down a hill better
two creeks that blind?

A cuckoo having lost
its clock in the forest Black
and laying the echoes?

Spider surprise when she gives a call (Ph. JPO / DR).

U spider does not the morning or evening

but Sunday painter?

A blackbird then
harmonica player
and Amateur ribaldry?

A whale that requires you to open

an umbrella to protect you with his breath?

A worm caught by
fire his past

It looks cherries (Ph. JPO / DR).


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Claddagh Ring Meaning Wiki

P. 289. The exhibition you see in Amiens (Somme)


Leo Kouper: exhibition poster " For adults only" in Amiens (DR).

Amiens reinvented hell
drawings for $
adults not allowed


- " The exhibition" For adults only "subtitled" When illustrators draw youth to the great "which was to be presented at Amiens, at the Library département of the Somme from 19 May to 19 July 2010, was canceled by the General Council chairman, Christian Manable (PS). "

Manable Christian, Chairman General

- "I actually canceled - and if you want to use that word, censored - this exhibition. It is fully aware that I took this decision because I felt that some drawings were vectors of a degrading image of women and I refuse the departmental community support such an approach to sexuality, which seems opposed to our values of empowerment.

Some images can not distinguish between woman and child and we are not interested in what makes us ill-trial. "

David Andrieux, Director of Development cultural council:

"This exhibition had been approved by the department, but the president has decided to cancel it when he discovered all of its contents. It appeared that the relationship between the erotic works and their authors, specializing in publishing children's books, produced a mirror inappropriate.
In this department, where there is plenty to do in the social field and the issue of pedophilia is an extremely sensitive subject, it seemed, as a community service, we do were not promote this exhibition brought to circulate in the library system of the department, and therefore visible to everyone.
Neither works nor the quality of the work done by the curator of the exhibition are challenged. "

Daniel Muraz:

-" These drawings " For Adults Only "which should have been exposed to the County Library of the Somme - before the last minute intervention of the President of the General Council - they deserved to know such a hell (the one where, precisely, the works are hidden in the licentious libraries) ? In view of the catalog, the measure is puzzling.
Neither the majority of the General Council, nor its president has never shown a particular date or prudishness of pressure on artists (conversely, in terms of freedom of expression The Department has argued, for example, the film festival grolandais!)
If Christian Manable preferred to cancel the show for fear "that makes us bad trial", the result is far from being achieved. And this is not the nature of his early supporters, far right, which should console him. "
(Le Courrier Picard , May 29, 2010).

Observatory censorship

- "Amazing gift for Hervé Roberti, chief curator, in office for fifteen years, a few weeks of his retirement. A huge sign of respect for all Staff working on the exhibition last year, particularly for Janine Kotwica, curator of the exhibition. She who previously had contributed to the memorable exhibition Pig portrait of a seducer, not expecting such a decision. Specialist Children's Book, it had proposed to illustrators, working for the youth to draw this time "for large". 26 designers have responded "present", but not least: Gilles Bachelet, Michael Backes, Christophe Besse, Michel Boucher, Nicole Claveloux Jean Claverie, Frédéric Clement, Isabelle Forestier, Claire Forgeot, André François, Alain Gauthier, Bruno Heitz, Louis Joos, Lionel Koechlin, Leo Kouper, Georges Lemoine, Daniel Maja, David Wonder, Alan Mets, Jean-Charles Sarrazin, Marcelino Truong, Tomi Ungerer, Zau, Albertine Zullo. Some had even made drawings specially for the exhibition. Prudent, the commissioner had made a choice among adult drawings by Tomi Ungerer yet visible in a museum hall of Strasbourg. Exposure to adults only took place in a departmental library, a place that children are not attending. "
(May 25, 2010).

Janine Kotwica the President of the General Council:

- "I learned with amazement quickly replaced by anger your decision arbitrary, unfair, absurd and ridiculous to prohibit the exhibition for adults only, good-selection of drawings, engravings and paintings gently erotic illustrators, for which j have had a written order dated January 14, 2009, from Hervé Roberti, Chief Curator of the Library of the Somme département.
I worked hard to police this exhibition in which 25 artists who publish in the world have loaned or specially produced works and why Leo Kouper, poster artist of great renown, has carried out five projects. We have, February 17, 2010, submitted to your Director of Cultural Development has consolidated (with enthusiasm, sincere, it seemed to me) that we prefer, as acclaimed by all those we consulted. He also expressed, but he could not be otherwise, given their exceptional quality, his admiration for the originals that I made.
I had a second interview with David Andrieux cordial, with two other employees last week. There was no indication of your ukase which left me in a state close to nausea. If this exhibition faced your delicacy, you had ample time to stop spending, in every sense of the word, much earlier. The ban, to 11 days after the opening, is a foul and villainy.
Your advisors they sometimes attend museums and exhibitions? In an era where the burka is being debated, would they not be tempted to hide in the Louvre, the nakedness of the Venus de Milo, to hide, in Orsay, The origin of the world and in our town halls, to hide the within which they can not see our lovely Marianne? With our small innocuous drawings well, we are far from Lucian Freud and Bettina Rheims exposed at this time with success in Paris. Tartuffe Was Picard? Would you give the image of a province ignorant and backward? "

Eve dressed Eve and Adam, not to confuse them. A censure incurred as the public and other faithful of the Cathedral of Amiens? (Arch. JPO / DR).

To respond to the comment filed by Zoe, here's a link to the reproduction of any signed Alain Gauthier, which has caused the most ire of the President of the General Council. But was nevertheless published by a newspaper ... Can The World Himself has raised some sails ...
Click here: Email Picard .
And here: The World .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Prevent Leather Shoe Creases

P. 288. "Kayn aynorè" the evil eye Maurice Winnykamen savings!

Maurice Winnykamen,
Tribute, An Account of a hidden child,
Ed Writers, 2001, 145 p.

Not a
but 145 pages nomadic
signed Maurice Winnykamen

His blog "Déferlantes and skimmer" contained in the links. Maurice Winnykamen not come here make a page but an entire book. His true story of hidden child. Because her parents had multiple qualities of Jews, resistance fighters and communists. All three and all their families were, if we dare to write, prime targets for the Holocaust.
Aisik Winnykamen So Charlotte and took the most agonizing decision: to part with their son - the time of war - to put it away if possible. Upstairs in Savoy. Among peasants, Pegaz, who knew well pertinant risk their own lives for hosting as one of their own this little persecuted.

Some pebbles picked up at Throughout this story one (e) documentary films could follow without having to rework ...

Dedication Mauritius Winnykamen:

- "I dedicate this testimony to all the world's children.
they invent peace!"
(p. 7).

The defeat of 1940:

- "It was now the fault of the foreigners if France was betrayed. If she had lost the war. We began to watch accents. The accents were not lacking. There were the accents of the Democrats condemned in the totalitarian countries, like my grandfather Lazarus. Those of ordinary people who fled the brown plague. Those of ordinary immigration. Those Alsatians too. And then there were the accents of sincerity. Those were the worst. There were abuses.
These dead horses:
- "blame the communists."
These bodies of children, women and men:
- "blame the Jews."
I heard all this without understanding anything other than my fear. I was six. "
(P. 30).

Decline in Lyon:

- "Charlotte - it is the mother of Boris - carries the bags of weapons and, later, take care of children in hiding. Aisik became" Julie. "Julien Lieutenant. The illegal military training of the ME, preparation, execution of "actions" and weapons handling, that's what he cares for, this scholar who dreamed only of poetry.
Boris's parents have changed their names to families. In Winnykamen they have Winny. It sounds more French that we can detect it a foreign sounding. Less Jew, anyway. name - it will not be the only one they will during the Resistance - , they keep later. They are done themselves. They can be proud.
mother Boris trip. He is often alone at home.
His "za Douve" (grandfather David) is locked in a garret, his Yiddish accent very pronounced. S are doubts: "Tzou-Tzou Tzou," his complaints: "Oi Vai mit", small and large follies which is populated the world: "michiguouné", "ganz michigué" and we also troublemakers are surrounded, "the tzourès. It is neither the time greeting: "mazel'tov!" Nor that of the wear toast: "The h'aim" nor able to meet the kosher kitchen, "the kashrus."
With David Lonie. His long hair already white, wearing in a bun, her face pale and smooth, the smell of cleanliness in the slum where they live, immediately draw Boris. He recognizes and loves it, between his grandfather and a perfect understanding and stabilizes. "
(PP 36-37).

Maurice Winnykamen turns on its past Hidden Child (Dr. Arch. fam. Winnykamen M., Mt. JPO / DR).

Boris becomes Marcel

- "Boris is dead, long live Marcel. So here it arrived in his new home in the mountains, Montcel, at Lili and Raymond Pegaz {}. Just her mother she had time to spend a short night in his bed. It comes down early in the morning, sneaking toward the valley, to hell, leaving him alone with her eight years and his questions.
How different town! For as hay for harvesting, threshing and harvesting, the whole village works together, one day at a farm and in the other day. Because they are not " Ava, "they are not of this city below, where people lock themselves in the solitude that creates fear, distrust each other, fearing the accusation, and that will say it.
How could I, at my age, think and say such things! It's simple. Is that these things, I had seen them, I had lived! I had a haste to forget, become Savoyard, a real one, a Savoyard normal, not a Jew in Savoie. "
(PP 41-42).

In class, the catechism:

- "In truth, Marcel remembers less and less he is Jewish. It depends on days. He feels only a little different. But all the first class are a little different, right? The best in catechism, too. So! Him, he's both. It has the best grades in class, he sings loud and clear singing of the Marshal and he is the favorite pupil of the priest who has a low, precisely, to the Marshal.
Mr. priest taught the young parishioners, the catechism, that Jesus was born poor and naked in a barn. Often, Marcel look between the legs of Blackie, the Blanchette and dogfish, animals (cows) of Pegaz. He hopes to see on fresh straw, a baby and maybe the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Magi. That's why he likes to change the litter of animals. but he is still disappointed. "
(PP 49-50).

Albert, his comrade arrested by the Gestapo

-" Marcel and his friend have a tough discussion:
You sing like a foot, "said Albert.
- It's not true, "replied Marcel. Even as the parish priest told me and also the Master, no, I just sing.
- Exactly, "said Albert. AC, you can not do.
- You say that because you're jealous and you're not heading to.
- Your songs are silly "
-" You're just a little Jew, like me, "said Albert. And a traitor. You're not allowed to serve Mass on Sunday. Or vespers. Or sing the Marshal. "

(...) In their chin black, the Gestapo came looking for him. A child of ten years, Albert and his adoptive family with him. They déculottèrent Albert constatèrent his circumcision ... The Massonnat of top missing.
Albert, "I look back on your galoshes with wooden soles which concurred with mine on our roads metalled. Are they shown, anonymous accusers, included in the piles of shoes found at Auschwitz-Birkenau? "
(pp. 60-62).

More than 12 years:

-" Marcel has over twelve years. He became a real farmer. Obviously, not! No! In good Savoyard, he adds that "No!" almost every sentence. As if to reinforce the meaning. Those in the city of "ava" would say: "Is not it!". Here, it says: "No!". "You're dev'nu a man, no!". "So, do not!", "Necessarily, no!". To play, kids invent their own games. The games begin on the farm at dawn. They end at nightfall.
Marcel does not play cops and robbers. he's not playing at war, either. He could not save a child in play, even after a simple piece of wood. "
(pp. 113-114).

From left to right. Willy Winnykamen offering his book to Pegaz Lili, the one who saved him (Arch. Fam. Winnykamn W / DR).

The tears of his father

- "Pulling black front, with the inscription "FTP" painted in white on the doors and a tricolor flag stuck on top of the gasifier, left the road and stopped before the door closes (...). Several men, young, unshaven, quite cheerful but attentive to the slightest sound, his eyes alert, the weapon to the ramp to go ashore. One of them pressed his gun against the wing of the vehicle and is Marcel in his arms. He rises to the sky and set a good time. Then he said: "Boris, I am your father, remember? Kiss Daddy."
him, he covers her son with kisses. Awkwardly, Marcel debate.
(...) The other urging them Chief:
- "Leash Jilien! There is still that kind oune. We must comprondre. Plis later til'verras s'arrongera siremont it."
(...) The visit lasted only two minutes. Today, sixty years later, two minutes of eternity. My father has water on his cheeks. There is no shame in front of his men. Me, I hate war. I hate her for showing me when I was thirteen, my father's tears. "
(pp. 125-126).

It's almost the end:

- "We find some Bousquet in the entourage of a President Republic Papon and the office of warden of the Republic. Still others will be elected by the people. No, National Socialism has not lost everything. Many of his enemies make him even a bed for tomorrow.
is almost the end. Victory is at hand. This victory will not see the little guys Plateau Glières nor those of the Vercors, or thousands of their friends. I learned that there are different words to talk about themselves. Comrades at the communists, is one. Brothers, among Catholics, too. And friends in the suburbs. Friends among the bourgeoisie. Companions among the Gaullists. Buddy is the most widely used because it is, alone all the others combined. "
(P. 127).

The war is over:

-" The war is over. Marcel found a Dad and Mom, miraculously unscathed. They come to take him back to town. Definitely.
His Father remembered his reluctance when he wanted to kiss his hand to him as a man. Her mom, after having covered it with kisses, do not let go.
As Marcel clings to Lili and Raymond, she explains:
- "Boris the Pegaz are not your mother and father. Your mother, it's me, the great dark lady who was visiting you sometimes. "
(...) It tears at Michael Montcel. For him, the verb pull rings true.
It is no longer a Pegaz . It is no longer a Monctcellois. It's more Marcel. It has become or again become, he does not know, Boris. "
(PP 137-138).

- "Marcel was Jewish goyim but Boris the Jew had left the past behind him, starting the Montcel. He had left with her and her Pegaz Massonnat; with all Savoyards. He had left with the remains of his old life. With farm animals. With his cows: the Blanchette, Blackie and the Dogfish. Pompon and with his horse and his dog boby. And most importantly, it left the shadow of Albert. "
(P. 143).


-" Worthy of the brave, you were the honor of my country.
You, the forgotten, "without a medal," the simple, to whom I owe you to be alive, and that this testimony may, today, nearly sixty years later, the day see it comes to you one word: TRIBUTE. Tribute to the Righteous!
Your name, I want to quote them in order of Memory. In order of Emotion. They will find their rightful place:
"Resistance of all time: Pegaz and Massonnat my Savoyards, and you, the Parisians, Normans, Bretons, Lyon," I quote you and love you;
"resistant to all places of France, Germany and resistant to all European countries; Resistance in Africa, Asia, America, you all", I quote you and love you. "
I want to sing for you (...) singing supporters .
(P. 131).

Pegaz Amelie (Arch. Fam. Mr. Willykamen / DR).

Based on the record compiled and submitted to Yad Vashem by Maurice Winnykamen:
Pegaz Amelia, Raymond, Maria Theresa and Renee were recognized Righteous Among the Nations .

About Rights Reserved :

Following an article on four righteous and published on another blog , the photos have been copied without permission on a site , which was deliberately truncated source. But these photos we had been entrusted by Maurice Winnykamen for the blog in question and for Mo (t) saïques. Clichés, reworked and reframed by us, are perfectly identifiable. A problem arose Rights Reserved therefore.
The webmaster in question, defended itself by responding in writing: "These photos are in the book."
only problem is that " Tribute, the story of a hidden child " includes no illustration.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Disney World Leather Bracelet

P. 287. Bosmont-sur-Serre (Aisne)

South of Thiérache and its proliferation of fortified churches: the valley of Serre buildings with military-religious Cilli, of Bosmont, Tavaux and Agricourt.
Map from: On a border with France. Thiérache. Aisne , texts, photography and mapping under the direction of Martine Plouffe, Association for the generalization of the Picardy Regional Inventory, 2003, 287 p. (Editing JPO / DR).

a twelfth step
on the way
fortified churches

Bosmont-Cel? Aisne in France, on D 58 between Marle and Montcornet. Marle is not far from a motorway shared with Laon. Montcornet kept the memory of de Gaulle ordered his tanks to not bow to the pressure of the Germans swept all before them since the breakthrough at Sedan.

The village does not cover 10 km2. A little over 200 inhabitants live green (statisticians tear between 200, 203, 207 and 209 souls, they are also the things in life).

D. 51 (Ph. JPO / DR).

After swimming in rapeseed fragrant descent into the valley and Bosmont. This prohibition
planted on a bank?
For slugs and going barefoot?
voles and clouds?
Crows and the root of thistles?
jellyfish and field mice?

The church of Saint-Remi and his pit graves (Ph. JPO / DR).


- "The church has the distinction among the churches of Marlois, juxtapose a brick bell tower, reminiscent of the fortified towers built in the middle of Thiérache 16th century, with very important and noteworthy elements of 12th-13th centuries (nave and choir).
The quality of the workmanship and the molding of medieval structures (headband decorated with diamond points, south door lintel saddleback ornate coving and a row of broken sticks), is reinforced by the interest of the structure of the nave, which retains significant elements of its original structure. The lobby is decorated with curious inscriptions commemorating some episodes of the Wars of Religion. "

Note: To avoid the necessity of crushing weight of a collection of dictionaries, it is clear that" the molding "fits the profile moldings.

porch with a fearless Saint-Rémi (Ph. JPO / DR).

This holy haunts me in his way.
Indeed, it is in College bearing his name I was prompted to propose the largest conferences in the adjacent department of the Ardennes. Their educational work on the Holocaust took place over several school years. And therefore offers youth one after another and all, it seems, have this common point of wanting to understand speech without anachronisms or prefabricated.
But we are far from Bosmont and its Serre ...

brick bell tower with its geometric . That brings us back to the old rides on this blog (Ph. JPO / DR).

Placing the tip of your compass on the bell tower of Saint-Remi, you draw a circle passing through:

the Cockerel,
Three Cherry Trees,
the wood Renouart,
the Cherry Colas,
the Turn, the
Wood Rary,
Mount Reverse,
Chemin Blanc
le Buisson of Voljay,
the Red House,
Pit Welsh,
Great Bosse.

In the cemetery: a key to dreams (Ph. JPO / DR).

only echo unearthed in the local press: "the bones move" ...

- "The village of Bosmont-Cel between Marle and Montcornet, has only about 200 souls, but tensions are acute.
controversy last date, the land of the cemetery which served to fill under a covered bus shelters and in a field. The problem is that the latter, recovered after digging a cellar, contained several bones, human remains, say some. They do not understand how anyone could have spread these bones in an area frequented by children. For them, "there is a total disrespect for the dead. The least we would have been to the bone side, then returning them to land immediately. In addition, everyone here knows who is buried where they dug. He is a former agricultural worker. So, emotion is even stronger. "
A petition was launched yesterday morning, and letters sent to the prefecture.
The mayor, however, it was obviously no question of leaving the bones in place. "When we dug, we fell over, though no concession was reported between the two graves. It is a cemetery with a dozen centuries. Bones, there everywhere. They move underground over time. I asked the employees to spread out the earth in the yard time to dry. It was expected that then raked to remove the bones, "says Gerard Pennes, elected mayor in recent elections.
Yesterday afternoon, the "household" has, indeed, been done.
"This is the result of circulating the petition, he was afraid ... "say some." They knew we were going to remove them, "the mayor replies," It's just animosity. It gave the bones where they were unearthed. We have no ossuary. We're just an inventory of the cemetery to create one. "
(The Blévec Yan, Union, September 12, 2009).

Beuquette facing the cemetery and conflict to 'that move the bones "(Ph. JPO / DR).

Behind its walls, the castle of La Tour du Pin:

- "The discovery of the field Bosmont is an invitation to a journey that combines history and nature. The park, the garden, the castle and its outbuildings and farm, form a set whose preservation is the result of three centuries of effort and passion.
Careful Park and Garden Bosmont, reflects our desire to give today to a group classified in the Inventory of Historical Monuments, a modern plant environment. You keep the Field Bosmont of the image of a conservation area where time is celebrated by the ancient trees as in the revival of the kitchen garden entirely redesigned in 2000. "
(Presentation by the owners).

Open from June

Station Bosmont (Ph. JPO / DR).

Shelter Kaiser

- "This shelter German reinforced concrete, located in a field a hundred yards west of the station Bosmont, had housed several times Kaiser Wilhelm II, whose imperial train was parked nearby on a special track. Driven into the ground three meters about it is today completely overgrown and invisible. "
( historical monuments).
Today inaccessible but covered with daisies, this shelter is nevertheless classified by order since December 1921.

More tracks to the station Bosmont. More Dion boss or customer at the cafe (Ph. JPO / DR).

Built in 1908
Destroyed in 1918
Rebuilt in 1928
Vive la Paix!
Si vis pacem, para bellum

Note that a consultation of municipal archives of these communes de l'Aisne and the Ardennes confirms how the slow payment of war reparations after 1918, has been painfully experienced by the civilian casualties. 1918-1928: ten years to face the wall ... And elected officials to move heaven and earth of the townships and counties to try not to let people in too precarious conditions.

The along the Serre en route to-and-Tavaux Pontséricourt. To restore its size, click on the landscape (Ph. JPO / DR).

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Hack Internet For Sidekick 09

P. 286. Barefoot on slugs.

Fabienne Berthaud's novel, Seuil, 2004.

After the novel by Fabienne Berthaud
his film
on slugs

Hats off to you if you opened this novel. No criticism seems to have accompanied his publication in 2004. And we're just a (s) not to discover that thanks to the Festival de Cannes. Indeed, the curtains of the Fortnight dropped back after the screening of the feature by which Fabienne Berthaud has adapted his book-lined.
So, to summarize, a novel that did not get a hit. A festival where we will not be invited (e) s. Moreover Has anyone ever seen a wheelchair up the steps of Cannes??

And despite all these obstacles, an initial curiosity awakened by a singular way, by handling all the creative a pen camera ...
Then, one wish: that the barefoot and these slugs do not stay in the desert works ignored.


- "I will not forget this night surrounded by red on the calendar of firefighters.
The future now seems unbearable. I am and am no longer never the same. Consumed by doubt, overcome by fear to commit the irreparable, I still live in very small steps as if nothing had happened. After all, nothing has really happened yet and nothing will happen maybe never. Uncertainty me going with caution.
I consider every minute as a victory. "

About Fabienne Berthaud:

-" Fabienne Berthaud was born in Gap. She spends part of his childhood in Algeria. She returned to France at the age of 11 years with his family and settled in Paris in the fourteenth arrondissement. Completed high school, she enrolled in acting classes, doing theater, discovers the method of the Actor's Studio, Lee Strasberg, Stanislavski, who are passionate about. She studied theater of Chekhov, Tennessee Williams, Dorothy Parker and discovered film Cassavetes, Elia Kazan. It published his first novel "Cockroach " published by Albin Michel in 1994. She is 28 years. Critics greet his writing dry blending beauty and cruelty. She then turns the art of acting and writing her first short film "Christmas with the family " she coauthored. Mathilde Seigner will lead actress. The film makes numerous festivals (Cognac Festival du Film Européen) and won the audience award at Valenciennes, the grand prize of Chateau Chinon and the price (...). Cinestar in Lille

The novel "Barefoot on slugs " seems at the Editions du Seuil in January 2004. It is by documenting for the latter she discovered Chesnaie The clinic and its people, doctors and residents. The desire to film this place needed. The human adventure begins. "

Fabienne Berthaud (DR).


-" Clara is married to Peter Young lawyer with a promising future. She lives and works with him in Paris. It is a normal couple and without problem. At the sudden death of his mother, Clara finds himself responsible for his younger sister, Lily. Because Lily is like no other. Its high sensitivity makes it too vulnerable vis-à-vis the outside world and prevents it from being autonomous. It needs protection. She has built a universe all its own, in which she found "some" balance that it is difficult to escape. She lives in the countryside, in the family home, in the Province.

Clara, whose life was held away from his sister, will have to make choices. And learn that normality is a very subjective idea. "

Nathalie Durand, Director of Photography:

-" This film was done with very little money, less one million euros. But as far as being paid normally. The secret is that we were a very small team, which nevertheless allowed us to run 40 days. An amazing experience with someone who believes in his work and he is motivating to follow on such an adventure with these two actresses. "

Thierry Chèze:

-" Fabienne We were impressed with Berthaud Frankie, his first feature film shot in the snatch with a number of years, headlined by a then almost debutante Diane Kruger. Found in Barefoot on slugs what makes the strength of his movie: its raw, no frills or unnecessary frills. His ability to imagine characters as unconventional as they may believe that Lily lingered at first sight and that will reveal to her sister that was built in the opposite extreme, while in control of herself, to not be an extra burden for his family.

The relationship between these two sisters function as communicating vessels, their reunion causing collateral damage to the worst and powerful for the best in the life of Clara, is one of the highlights of this film. "
( The Express, May 22, 2010).

Lily - Diane Kruger barefoot on slugs (DR).

Olivier Seguret:

- "His eldest Clara will look after the immature, disturbed the Lily, in the vast and beautiful homestead, both isolated in a perfect little corner of nature - and say outset that what works best in this film owes much to the validity and realism disturbing the natural tenderness of the pair of sisters that are Ludivine Sagnier and Diane Kruger (...).

This is not the style that prevails in Barefoot ... but energy, a certain lightness, the way the film is balanced between depth and frivolity, beating himself the campaign along with Lily (...).

film by Fabienne Berthaud, sometimes poetic watched by overweight, emerges as a truly universal appeal, because he wants to, and successful, evidence of a deranged and dangerous humanity ... but smiling, sensual and adhesive. "
( Liberation, 22-23 May 2010).

Preview ...

last minute.
in Cannes Art Cinema Award was awarded to Barefoot on these slugs Fabienne Berthaud.
accuracy World: "The Art Cinema Award are delivered in the biggest festivals by juries composed of international independent film program."

Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Minute Funny Movie Speeches

P. 285. Marsh Ardennes

Ardennes to return from Paris. A form of capital punishment: to be private (e) such a twilight? (Dr. JEA / Right Reserved).

Toponymy Ardennes: 27
Marais with
or without cages ...

Above La Noue Rethel,

Bois de la Noue Catherine

Coast Land Noue, Noue
Coast St. Pierre

Bottom of Surdeau Noue,

Top Noue Maga

Amount on Balinet Noue,
Amount Naue Roux

Lava Nau, Nau


Naue Cendras, Collardeau, Colignon,

Naue d'Huy,

Towards the Great Pit (Ph. JPO / DR).

Noue Baru, Baldwin, Beranger, Blondel, Boya,
Square, Cotteret, Couture,
Dame Jolie, Denis, Dia
smoky Erselin,
Genas, Guery,
Jubin, Judge,
Louise, Luya,
Machette, Mary Martin, Morgneau,
Persin, Piton, Poret,
Thierry Tillois,

Dictionary ephemeral (Ph. JPO / DR).

Noue d'Ane, Arillas,

Noue of Bouchereuil, Boult,
of the Poor of
of Sausse

forges Rosieres,

Noue of the Well,

Noue la Caille,
the Demoiselle, the Charcoal

the Priest, the

Sky Cyclops (Ph. JPO / DR).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Walkie Talkie Protocol Copy That

P. 284. May 1904: South Pole Charcot

The "French " built in 1903 (graph JPO / DR).

his first expedition
Antarctica ...

In 1903, Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1) who defines himself as a son to dad (2), built a polar exploration ship. But the family fortune could not cope with the costs of a research cruise in the ice, the daily Le Matin launched a subscription support. It met a real national enthusiasm. The funds flowed and Charcot could weigh anchor. Not without having renamed his boat named "French " (3) to show her gratitude.

January 27, 1904, Charcot is heading towards the South Shetland, leaving for winter at the South Pole.

1 May 1904:

- "my cultures of microbes from seawater and intestine of different animals of Antarctica, grow very well and I will try, by frequent subcultures, report them live in France, so did I housed in my cabin to better treat them. "(4)

May 2:

-" Nothing is more enjoyable to me than to hear men laughing, having fun frankly, a joke is another, without malice, never coarse, nullmement embarrassed by my presence, and yet always remaining very respectful. "

Jean-Baptiste Charcot (DR).

May 7:

- "During our tour, we heard in our feet and then repeated shocks with a big bubbling a round hole formed and a seal showed blowing his big fat head, he looked at us with amazement, but without fear, rising as much as he could over ice and then after breathing heavily, he sank again. "

May 14:

-" For three days last ice forms around our boat and it is already beginning to be solid. I maintain a fire pit along the edge in case of fire and two others below foals (5). At the front, Starting from these, the freezing of urine formed a wonderful stalactite that resembles a block of onyx hues with yellow veins and producing an extremely pretty. "

May 15:

- "} {Cormorants are kind of stupid, not shy with us, and united in excellent households living in pairs they spend their time kissing, to make pleasantries with taking poses extremely graceful. Very frequently they are held by the end of the spout and describing nice curves with their neck, slowly swinging their head from right to left.
They look aristocrat who swears with the air of middle-class neighbors and friends the penguins. "

May 22:

-" With - 7 and calm We really suffered from the heat and I'm out shopping for quite long pants and shirt without me cover or ears, or hands. The low humidity became abominable ice due to condensation (...) began to melt and we were well rewarded with a heavy rain. "

Signature Charcot (graph JPO / DR).

May 24:

- "Here I am good! I now have edema of the eyelid! Finger death, ringing in ears, polyuria, nocturnal cramps, tightness! What will happen to me? Will I die suddenly or gradually weaken me become impotent? Having been so vigorous and fall at a disadvantage, had fought so hard and be defeated before you do something! "

May 25:

- "We talked at length (...), we promised each other in case one or the other would become invalid, either accidentally or by any disease, making us the service to curtail the situation. I'm calmer now, come what may. "

May 29:

-" At sunset the snow has stopped falling, the fog has lifted and we attended one of these wonderful performances so common in Antarctica, but it never tires. The mountain peaks still hidden in the mist, were tinged with pink, and while in the northern sky was split in two, black as ink west, blue steel eastward in the southern pink and blue with an exquisite sweetness mingled without colliding, and ice and icebergs donned colorful reflections. "

In Omnibus: The novel Clusters (DR).


(1) Jean-Baptiste Charcot, 1867-1936. Died in the sinking his boat, the night of 15 to 16 September 1936 on the Icelandic coast.
(2) Jean-Martin Charcot, 1825-1893, father of John the Baptist. Neurologist Freud who counted among his students, year academic 1885-1886.
(3) To notice the cover artwork at Omnibus. The original painting is signed Julian Taylor. The boat bears the, name "Why not?" while the newspaper Charcot was written on "French" ...
(4) Read: The novel Poles, Nansen, Amundsen, Charcot , Foreword by Jean-Louis Etienne, omnibus, 2008, 967 p.
(5) Cabinets sailors.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Much Is Mulberry Bag

P. 283. May 1987: Klaus Barbie trial

Drawing Plantu for The World 6 and 7 February 1983 (DR).
Serge Klarsfeld: This e xpulsion represents " a sunbeam justice." Four more years of patience and finally start the Barbie trial ...

First conviction in France
for crimes against humanity:
Klaus Barbie

From 11 May to 4 July 1987 a trial was held hearings in 37 the court of Lyon. Klaus Barbie - 73 years - was prosecuted for crimes against humanity committed while he headed the Gestapo in Lyon, between November 1942 and August 1944. Among the shadows that haunted the scene: that of Jean Moulin and rounded up 44 children in the colony Izieu because Jews ...
Barbie does deign to attend three days of his trial ...

A " crime against humanity "falls" murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and inhumane acts against civilian populations (...) or persecutions on political, racial or religious group, where such acts or persecution, whether or not in violation of the law countries where they were committed, were committed in the wake of any crime within the jurisdiction of the court or in connection with this crime. "

(Nuremberg, art. 6c).

Alain Jakubowicz (Parts civilian):

- "The emotion is palpable. Klaus Barbie was introduced. I am immediately struck by her eyes. His blue eyes of steel. I do not understand how one could recognize a man after 40 years. Now I understand. He who has crossed the eye can not forget.

" Accused please stand up."
Barbie complies. He asked the German language with the help of two interpreters. To the first question:
" What are your name? "
he answers " Klaus Altman.
The scene is set. It's the identity he had adopted in Bolivia after leaving Europe with the help of the CIA. And yes, let's not forget that we have gone unabated in the second World War to the Cold War and the former SS men were masters in the fight against Bolshevism. Their information was invaluable U.S. Secret Service. After use, they helped them move to South America where, like Barbie, they have not renounced their ideology in the service of the bloodiest military juntas.
However, there is no doubt about the identity of the man. That's the oberstürm SS-Führer Klaus Barbie in Lyon which raged from 1942 to 1944, which is before us. "
(Lyon Capitale, May 15, 2007).

K. Barbie at his trial and in SS uniform (Mont. JPO / DR).

Evidence before the court in Lyon in May 1987:

Irene Clair

- "Barbie} {He stood, furious, calling us terrorists , assassins, bandits. That instantly made me laugh. So he called a policeman saying
" You, my little blonde is gonna mater.
(...) I have been so in the presence of my head and was in a terrible state. At thirty-four, it looked like an old man of ninety years. It blew me:
" It takes a lot of courage .
He could also tell me what he had suffered: electricity, batons, hanging by the arms, it was no longer standing. "
(AS Resistant, arrested March 9, 1994 to age of 21, survivor of Ravensbrück).

Lise Lefèvre:

- "I was arrested May 13, 1944 by a team of Barbie (...).
I saw him for the first time at school health Military Avenue Berthelot, where he had his seat. I worked for the Resistance and had on me, unfortunately, a fold for a liaison officer called Didier. He wanted me to say who was Didier (...). As
got nothing, he said
" We will get your husband and your son and you shall speak .
I saw them coming and another one later. This was the worst time, and it did it again:
" Who is Didier? Where is Didier?"
(...) I found myself in a room, naked, strapped to a chair. It came to show me a kind of whip with a spiky ball, controlled by a spring. They started hitting me, I do not know how long, taking turns, drinking beer and rum. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in an elegant lounge where I was sitting in an armchair. And Barbie, kneeling beside me, nice as can be, congratulated me for my courage, but added that it always ended with talking and it was better than I do now. "
(survivor of Ravensbrück. Her husband and son died at Dachau).

Simone Kadosh:

- "It was the fourth floor in a beige office. He came dressed in gray, it was a cat in her arms. I did not get so scared, thinking a man stroking a cat could not be too bad. He went first to my father looked at him without a word from head to foot, he has come to Mama and then finally to me. He stroked my cheek, telling me that I was pretty. He asked my mother:
"You have other children?"
As she replied:
"Yes, they are in the country ..."
he wanted to get the names, addresses. He asked the cat. He came toward me and suddenly defeated mesh that held my hair to grab them suddenly, pulling me back, and then I got a pair of galoshes masterful, the first in my life.
Later, it was another thing: batons, kicks ... "
(At 13, denounced his parents as Jewish. Arrested the day of the Normandy landings).

The plight of children Izieu set by a telegram signed Barbie, SS-Führer Oberstürm (Doc. JPO / DR).

Rene Wucher, a survivor of the roundup Izieu:

- "The trucks arrived and we were on the first floor. There was a big commotion. We pushed in these trucks. The one where I was, broke down in front of the bakery in the village. People are so recognized me, they shouted me know that I was not Jewish. That's the way that we finally made me get off, I found myself in the back room. When I came out later, there was no one. "
(Retired RATP).

Lea Feldblum, counselor to the colony Izieu:

-" I loved them, smaller cried, others have sung { You will not have Alsace and Lorraine }. There, they were all burned. Me, I do not know why they pushed me on the other side. There was Mengele and the leader of the camp itself. I was told to move on and I found myself in quarantine. "
(24 years in 1944).

Sabina Zlatin wants to save the children rounded up:

- "I went in Vichy, dressed in my nursing uniform military Red Cross. I asked the Hotel du Parc to see a official. I told him the tragedy that had happened to Izieu and I told him
"Can you do something for these children?"
He left the room and then when he returned, it was to tell me:
"What have you to worry about those dirty kike?"

(...) {A Militia, in Darnand} I was not afraid. What could I be scared to the point where we were? One who received me, I shouted this time, no sooner had I finished explaining what it was:
"Get out immediately or I will have you arrested."
(Polish immigrant in France, naturalized in 1937. Director of the colony Izieu. In Montpellier at the time of the raid).

Sabina Szlatin to Mr. Vergès, defender of Barbie

- "Barbie has always said in his defense he was occupied only of resisters, of guerrillas. So I would ask the forty-four children Izieu, what was it? What were they then? Terrorists? Resisters? No, they were all innocent!
What say? Those with children will understand my pain. No, for this crime Izieu, there is no forgiveness or forgetting. "

World 5 and July 6, 1987 (DR).
The verdict was delivered on 4 July 1987: Barbie is convicted of 17 crimes against humanity. The death penalty has been abolished in France under the leadership of Minister ... Badinter life imprisonment is imposed.
Klaus Barbie makes her last breath in prison September 25, 1991.

The president Ugo Iannucci (plaintiffs):

- "Barbie denied the facts, but denied him anything about the Nazi ideology, based among others on the myth of the superiority of the German people. It never displayed emotion. He had been the SS "fearless and cruel as Hitler wanted ...
His trial served not {}" write history, but primarily, to give voice to victims. These last after trial, have traveled to schools and colleges to prepare youth to say no to criminal orders, to uphold conscience over obedience, respect the dignity of every human being. "
(July 4, 2007, Lyon, commemoration 20th Anniversary of the trial).