Monday, February 7, 2011

Real Estate Agent Introduction Letter

7 (Triton - February 3, 2011)

For this session, a string quartet, but not the usual: the viola, William Roy will play as normal, cello, Peter Strauch surprise me by proposing Great ideas and leading to repeated passage of an episode to the next, and two bassists, Frederick Stolch all power, and Bruno Chevillon much stage presence and inventive game modes.

intersessions 7 intersessions 7 intersessions 7 intersessions 7

The beginning is very ... Free, discoursing each with little stream, then the structures are set up, where often three aligned on a common mode by the fourth full contrast. My favorite moments are the beaches to the sounds spun, ghostly, above which the soloist can go on a pizza, or percussion. There is no break during the first improvisation within 45 minutes, a second part, about twenty minutes, complete.
We had announced more surprises "written", and probably Stolch Strauch, who scores in front of them, they sometimes interpreted extracts from contemporary music in the middle of improvisation, but I did not notice. The atmosphere was much closer to the sessions "unexpectedly" Anne Montaron than a concert by the EIC.


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