Friday, December 17, 2010

Free Footed Pajama Sewing Pattern

Fosse Chéreau - Autumn Dream (Theatre of the City - December 15, 2010)

The first shock is the decor, Richard Peduzzi course, if usual accomplice Chéreau, almost overflowing the seats (rows have the lowest suddenly disappeared) and the spectator entrance, which must crawl through : This is the transcript of a few rooms of the Louvre (where the show had its birth), to high red walls, open doors to the majestic dimensions, and heights inhabited pieces of paintings.
Here comes a man, Pascal Gregory, who grows to be lost and fall asleep, then a wife, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, who saw the man panic, and then approach the wake. Here comes the second shock, that of text. But it is rather negative: full of repetitions that arise from the musical, philosophical remarks without meaning emerges, it seems hollow, boring. The long dialogue of the rediscovery of these two makes me fear the worst, if we go through this for almost two hours ... But fortunately
join them on stage first other body, the ambiguous status: Are they ghosts, since this meeting is happening, for what says the text, in a cemetery? Personifications of memories and regrets? Or more real characters? Different times, we move from one of these states to another, in a beautiful float, and related work on the body, is a major strength of this show. When parents arrive
Rights (Bulle Ogier, kindness captor, and Bernard Verley, aging silent block) and his ex-wife and her son died, it becomes a family comedy, a wicked paint meetings not really family friendly. In
time jostling, years passing without that being said and we leave this place without a single grip and the body wither, grandmother shoeless with infinite delicacy his son fell to the ground, then covered with a handkerchief the faces of all these men died one after the other, women standing all come together, "it's time to go," said the grandmother hitherto silent, and go to the scenes, magnificent final a piece that I did not like the text, but saved in part by the staging by Patrice Chereau, the decor, the work on the bodies of the actors.

Elsewhere: Luce, Three shots

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Diffusion And Osmosis Lab

Donatoni Grisey Robin (Cité de la Musique - December 14, 2010)

Franco Donatoni - Flag Small cells

simple melodically and rhythmically very marked overlap and follow one another by acting as if they were telling a story, but in which I will not go. The virtuosity of the CIS is operated (many consoles have their moment of glory, so chamber concerto), but I miss a lot.

Gerard Grisey - Day, backlight

Susanna Mälkki let the silence settle long, then a sign of demand for technicians to run the strip, while the light on stage is reduced to a spot. So we have the journey of the sun in the sky from dawn at dusk, with the play of shadows translated into additional harmonics. It begins with the cello with electronics acute, we move to a zenith of vibrant colors and transparencies like a mirage in the desert, we returned in the evening to a cello with electronics serious is slow, a kind Travel mind more introspective than spectacular, probably not a major Grisey, but still ... the Grisey

Yann Robin - Vulcano

I knew that by Yann Robin extracts and radio broadcasts, and had identified in the "noisy angry." Addressing the theme Vulcan / volcanoes therefore seemed natural enough. In fact, many instruments in the bass, lots of percussion, and it roars, it rumbles, it eruptive and it explodes ... But it's all a bit short, and does little to populate an interesting half-hour of a work which, apart from a few passages more surprising, like a clumsy rhythm informed of exotic flavors, that offers little a very original mixture of Varese and Xenakis. What

Monday, December 6, 2010

14# Hammer Bite Bowling Balls

Bach / Gardiner (Cité de la Musique - 4 and 5 December 2010)

Weekend! I should only attend the concert on Sunday, and then the opportunity came to be there also on Saturday, so it was a festival.

To celebrate 10 years his Bach Cantata Pilgrimage, Sir John Eliot Gardiner with his amazing runs Monteverdi Choir and excellent Français Baroque Soloists, and presents us, loyal to the philosophy of the pilgrimage, several cantatas for Advent, he completed a few concertos.
I see with this blog I've seen Gardiner 3 years ago, in a program Brahms. I had but a few memories. This time, I appreciate his art more direct, without a wand, but very different from Boulez, more flexible, say, often almost choreographic, and very expressive of the whole body, not just the finger and the eye!

BWV 61 - Cantata "Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland"

It is the introduction, initial magnificent chorus, rhythms and tiling. The orchestra is composed mostly of strings, with organ and harpsichord, and rare and momentary winds. The cello that accompanies the recitatives will be great from beginning to end, flexible support and comfort. The soloists come simply from the ranks of Monteverdi Choir. The most formidable is the bass Jonathan Sells, who in a recitative tenuous barely out of pizzicato imposes silence and attention rare public. Finally, for once, the final chorale is complex and all sparkling!

BWV 1060A - Concerto for violin and oboe

Very nice performance by Michael Niesemann, oboe, and Kati Debretzeni first violin soloist. These are the allegro movements which attract me the most, joyful and fluid exchange of the first, and fast-paced third, who knits severe bow! Then quietly joined the violinist's headquarters to ...

BWV 151 - Cantata "Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kommt"

If all the female voices do not m'emballent tonight, that of the soprano Zoe Brown is an exception, flourishing angelically in long notes in the air initial, decorated with a flute of exquisite and gentle volubility. 10 minutes of meltingly beautiful lullaby. Striking contrast when the bass rushes to replace theatrically jumped into action, both theatrically and musically.

BWV 70 - Cantata "Wachet! Beteta! Beteta! Wachet! This is a cantata

full of colors, which begins with a breathless chorus and adding a trumpet (Baroque, of course, an instrument of surprising simplicity of appearance). The other highlight is the recitative and air bass, alternating between bursts cataclysmic particularly furious at the orchestration (one speaks of the terrible day of the end of the world ...), and sovereign reassurances ("place where joy abounds ") we are really at the opera!

BWV 140 - Chorus "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"

And an encore. And what ca. The top of the evening. Like a bottle of wine at Cana. Gardiner brought on stage a few singers who accompanied the pilgrimage in 2000, and all begin with the choir sumptuousness, grandeur, balance lines, an elk, a generosity that is breathtaking and gives the meat hen. A rare moment, the feeling of being transported elsewhere, an air sublime sublimed by the interpretation.
"And now," concludes Gardiner héberlué in silence before the thunderous applause.

gardiner à la cité

BWV 1052 - Concerto for Harpsichord

The Sunday concert is balanced between cantatas and concertos for harpsichord, directed from the harpsichord by Robert Levin, which deprives us of gesture Gardiner ... In this first concerto, I recognize the first movement, with organ sinfonia used in the introduction of BWV 146, more intimate at the harpsichord, but very striking, with these tunes and vigorous conquerors and the solo brilliant and incisive. The third movement is also taken into sinfonia, in BWV 188.

BWV 146 - Chorus "Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal"

is part pedagogy of the concert, which will be more talkative than before. Gardiner and Previn, both in French, explaining the times by Bach from one room to another, and illustrated by the choir that takes the second movement of the concerto before. The orchestration is actually more different than if they had chosen one of the sinfonia, which would have been more redundant. But I'm not convinced by this piece, which has difficulty finding its balance between the choir slow, subtle strings and an organ almost accidental, for air which does not affect me.

BWV 243a - Magnificat Lauds

The well known Magnificat BWV 243 is derived from a Magnificat BWV 243a Christmas, which included four short pieces specially written for Christmas, and that Bach was then removed to use this album to other opportunities. Odd choice than giving us these four pieces out of context. It's pretty, either, but a little short.

BWV 36 - Cantata "Schwingt freudig euch empor"

is a great cantata in two parts, which are here separated by the concerto for harpsichord 1053, and no recitatives. The opening chorus is a marvel of vitality, masking the acrobatic virtuosity in a very refreshing clarity (it is great, the bar was closed during the intermission ...). If it is an oboe d'amore, which accompanied the tenor in air, then it is proof that this instrument can play right, and then it's beautiful, one of these tunes while single, stepped between the pits of the organ and cello, the line held by the singer, and scrolls added by the oboe.
In the second part, I expected the bass aria, but the choir next by the tenors alone in long held notes above the boiling tumult of the orchestra, which takes me. The following lullaby, despite the violin Debretzeni makes me less effect than that of BWV 151.

BWV 1053 - Concerto for Harpsichord

This time, the air is slow central movement, a Sicilian, I prefer and that can be found in the cantata BWV 169.
As before, they will end the chorus of BWV 140, but this time without the additional singers, and the effect is less. You get used too quickly at prodigious.

gardiner à la cité - final

Spotify: The Monteverdi Choir, The Français Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas Volume 13 (BWV 61, 62, 36, 70, 132, 147) , Johann Sebastian Bach - Bach: Oboe Concertos , The Monteverdi Choir, The Français Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas Vol. 15 (BWV 64, 151, 57, 133) , Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Bach: Cantatas BWV 29, 61 & 140 , The Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood - Bach: Harpsichord Concertos, Triple Concerto , Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart - The Complete Bach Edition Vol. 140 - Sacred Vocal Works - Magnificat in E-Flat Major, Etc.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sample Of A Counter Demand Letter

Bach Cantata Pilgrimage: full or not?

To commemorate the 250th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach, John Eliot Gardiner had this crazy idea record for the year 2000 all the sacred cantatas, each playing week in a different church cantatas written for that week. Everything was recorded and released by a label designed for this occasion, Soli Deo Gloria .
The latest volumes have been published, accompanied by a leaflet to find what cantata is on which disk, and a website CantataFinder that identifies a cantata from a snippet of text.

can then see that the 27 volumes published in this pilgrimage SDG contains only 165 cantatas, on a corpus of 200 numbers (BWV 1 to BWV 200). Where are the others?

must actually complete the 27 volumes by 6 CD "Deutsche Grammophon Archiv "
- Cantatas for Ascension Day (11, 37, 43, 128)
- Cantatas for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (72, 73, 111, 156)
- Cantatas for the Feast of the Purification of Mary (82, 83, 125, 200)
- Cantatas for 9th Sunday after Trinity (94, 105, 168)
- Funeral Cantatas (106, 118, 198)
- Cantatas for the 11th Sunday after Trinity (113, 179, 199) This brings us

to 186 cantatas. Still missing 14. But these are errors of classification, cantatas that are not by Bach, or are not really sacred.
- BWV 15: Composition Johann Ludwig Bach
- BWV 29: election of the council of Leipzig (1731)
- BWV 53: Georg Melchior Hoffmann composition
- BWV 119: election of the council of Leipzig (1723)
- BWV 120: Council Elections City of Leipzig (1728 or 1729)
- BWV 141: Georg Philip Telemann composition
- BWV 142: Johann Kuhnau composition
- BWV 157: Cantata for Johann Christoph von funeral Ponickau (1726)
- BWV 160: Georg composition Philip Telemann
- BWV 189: Georg Melchior Hoffmann composition
- BWV 193: election of the council of Leipzig (1738)
- BWV 195:
wedding cantata - BWV 196: Cantata Wedding
- BWV 197: Cantata wedding

And if you want more full of sacred cantatas of Bach, ulyssestone has selected several available on Spotify .

How Bad Is Osteoarthritis

Rihm Dufoury Kourliandski Mantovani (City of Music - November 27, 2010)

Wolfgang Rihm - Gejagte Form (version 1995/1996)

I like the whole cycle, it seems to me, "forms hunted" by Rihm. We find this sometimes hectic race, here initiated by a quartet of flutes and clarinets, barely out of harp and orchestra joined by bursts, which is then organized into multi-layers. Different climates succeed, however, more stalls than in other parts of this cycle, it was time to settle, even if the rhythmic pulsation leads us forever. It is lively, sometimes film, even with suspense, and an end in cliffhanger.

Hugues Dufour - Hunters in the Snow

Since there is a screen above the stage, they plan to introduce the image of the painting by Bruegel . The pace is less hectic than Rihm (and yet it is one of the warmest cycle "Winters" Dufourt!). We feel fatigue fighters, cold, waiting punctuated by mini-dramatic events. I do not know if Mantovani not bored a bit by pointing this music very different from hers. In complement the many musicians from the CIS, there is a very pretty Russian violinist, which helps move lengths.

Dmitri Kourliandski - Items I and II impossible

These are the parts that best justify the theme of "total art" of this concert, which received the most advertising on social networks (the room is full, indeed ...), and that are the worst of the evening, and I hope the year. It takes nearly a quarter of an hour to change the set, with small lights on each desk, as the orchestra will be in darkness, so we can pass the video on the big screen. The music is indeed transcribed real-time computer animation: hence the appearance total art. Except it is a poverty that is pathetic. The music seems to consist of several elements that hardly varied over a quarter of an hour (for an object, slamming the strings vacuum roaring winds that blow and hoot, and very metal percussion; for object 2, things that squeak and scrape, and widgets that whine and squeak), and this is reflected on the screen so simplistic (the object 1 is an architectural scene, with beams that s 'illuminate when slamming the strings, and walls that destructure hum when the winds; Item 2 is a sculpture of tangled wood planks that move, with faceted balls that form and evolve in points of convergence). And that's all. One has the impression of a demonstration, perhaps a "proof of concept. Except that I saw more interesting in Winamp ... Use the resources of the CIS for such a poor result is really a waste.
And then, incredible, almost unheard of in the City, a creation of the CIS, was booed by a section of the public! Phew.

Bruno Mantovani - Chamber Concerto No. 1

Concerto for chamber orchestra, which multiplies interventions virtuoso soloists (congratulations to Jerome Count for the solo clarinet), a structure in which the composer said trying to renew his way of writing music, and who suddenly loses in originality and identity, to join the battalion works in full and loose with soli and tutti, moments of expectation and moments of frenzy, like writing a little for everyone. Fine individual passages, but alloys sound less interesting than usual.

Elsewhere: The concert is available for a few months Music City Live .
Spotify: Minguet Quartet - Rihm: Studien Zu Einem Klarinettenquintett 4 - 4 Male , Ensemble Modern - Hugues Dufour: Winters, mix together - Mantovani: From a dream party

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Le Chateau Dresses 2010

David Lescot - The pressure instrument (Theatre des Abbesses - November 26, 2010)

A show floating between jazz and theater, a clash between Jacques Bonnaffe and Médéric Collignon, the idea was very attractive, and attracted enough world for that additional meetings are quickly taken to 18h. Except that since then, Collignon herniated disc was forfeited, and such a personality is simply not replaceable on the track.
Not that his replacement Virgil Vaugelade demerit particularly : You can not ask him to have the same charismatic intensity, the same disproportion extrovert that Collignon. But suddenly, the show is certainly not what was thought David Lescot and Véronique Bellegarde.
history: a "bagpipe blower" who wants to rub the Jazz meets a professor who teaches him the breath and some ABCs, is confronted with other musicians in clubs Jam, falls for a bass fascinated that time gets scared and runs away, and radicalized in a Free search of all that away.
The staging consists of a series of tables, sometimes music, fades, commented by actors / musicians (drummer Philippe Gleizes usual Collignon, trumpeter and guitarist David Lescot, Llorca Odja singing and miming the bass) in a kind of voice polyphonic. There are also video, created / manipulated live by Olivier Garouste. There
of humor (the viewer who wants at any price that he plays "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"), emotion (the first night between the hero and the bassist), beautiful moments ( Club Jam seen as a boxing ring), but the lack Médéric madness, and everything suddenly becomes a little bland, not really missed, but without much interest.

l'instrument à pression

Elsewhere : Amelie Blaustein Niddam
Spotify: Médéric Collignon - Shangri-La Tunkashi , Bruno Dumont - La Vie De Jesus

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vesa 400 Wall Mount Specs

Sylvie Courvoisier Mark Feldman Quartet (Sunset - November 21, 2010)

In this concert, I came to see that those were the leaders, Sylvie Courvoisier and Mark Feldman. Their acolytes a priori does not interest me. Error! It is a true non-standard quartet, which all have an impressive background, and know how to create music with little to none.

Given the expertise and Vilon classical pianist, we say they do not really need a pair to show them the rhythmic tempo. And Actually, they do not. Drummer Gerry Hemingway, who has long played in the fabulous quartet of Anthony Braxton and Crispell with Dresser, has more talent as a percussionist, offering a sort of fog colored broken rhythms, a halo floating and shimmering, it condenses when it is necessary to hammering an impressive compactness.
At his side, Thomas Morgan on bass, I had already in Five Elements Steve Coleman , plays the all-terrain vehicles. Time frame by completing and fuzzy glow of the drummer, then double-note lines of the violinist, and engaging in vigorous solos or tightrope.

Feldman is that this face to the public announcement in French songs, and generally running the show most often. His playing is always melodic, limited post-romantic, with soaring strings where acute rending cry of complaints, with some gaming effects, often with repeated lines above the ebb and flow of its partners. When
to Courvoisier, the play is a pleasure to see every moment renewed, as she juggles all possible plays the piano, setting out a series of chords nicely, when suddenly the right hand part flutter in acute deafening chirping speed, or although the left hand in hand for pizzicato strings rumbling, and then she gets up and plays in the cabinet with large beads that create a pace that will meet the drummer in his own way, and all this with a confidence and a natural give the sense that each of its interventions is just necessary and appropriate.

The pieces are long, filled with spaces for improvisation, with returns, ways of verses between choruses of sorts, departures, it is unclear to where it is in classical music before bed- care and free jazz without his aggressive side easily.
Two sets not very long, but intense emotions, surprises, listening, and donations. A great big concert.

courvoisier feldman quartet au sunset

Elsewhere: Native Dancer
Spotify: Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman - Oblivia , Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman & Erik Friedlander - Abaton , Steve Coleman & Five Elements - Weaving Symbolics , Anthony Braxton & Gerry Hemingway - Old Dogs (2007)

Monday, July 26, 2010

What Should I Drink With An Abscess On Tonsil

P. 304. Black Monday

Paul Hermant (Mont. JPO / DR).

When Paul Hermant
learned from the press,
striking his radio column
on First Morning, RTBF!

nomadic pages of this blog? It was he who took the initiative but also signed the largest number on this blog:

- P. 3 : News reading.
- P. 5 P. Hermant, and A. Rollin.
- P. 9 : Selective memory Bart De Wever.
- P. 52 : "Imagine".
- P. 59 : Montesquieu, Paul Hermant and Belgium.
- P. 78 : "Homage to Catalonia".
- P. 104 : Censure at RATP.
- P. 183 : The SS also die.
- P. 186 : Charters for war.
- P. 211 : Immigrants defending France.
- P. 250 : If journalism has a name Today ...
- P. 253 : "Night and Fog."

These returns back to the past until May 14, 2007, when I left my inkwell these few words:

- "He has the floor after the Journal Talked about 7am ... Se tends his wire tightrope between emission First Morning and auditors. Among these, the sorrows and hopes obtuse, morning after morning, as Paul Hermant lose the precarious balance of his column and falls into the banalities in the facilities, or in exercises polishing brush ... But in vain ... The others hang time of dawn for another and always leave happily surprised, astonished, enlightened by the tightrope walker who greet with as much wisdom and beauty in the sunrise of a new day. "

Then in this Monday a calendar decidedly cursing, falling as pitch, as bad luck, like a poisoning of the time these two stories: Maxime Steinberg defeated by cancer, Paul Hermant evicted from his radio column.

A group " Yes to chronic Paul Hermant "just put on paper an" Open Letter to Board of Directors of the RTBF. Here are the contents:

- "RTBF must remain an independent public service and intelligent.

Eighty-four years that it lasts. Eighty-four years that we as listeners, we follow the information through the Spoken News Radio, JPR, and that voices we have remained familiar, others will have become the time.

Hence, we have thousands in the same bracket hour for listening, learning, emotion, become excited, never indifferent, yet so different. We can not help but pay tribute to everyone those who do this job in the Public Service. Without a net. It's direct.

What about the Public Service and the RTBF radio?
What about this as we prepare Administrators? Those who think of us, and maybe a little too much for us!

In the newspaper Le Soir, 10 July 2010, on page "Eco," Mr Goff speaks to us. Boasting perhaps the summer to get slashed, among others.

First Morning On RTBF Radio, 6 hours and 20 minutes, this time in the tropics and 7 hours and 20 minutes in the Low Countries, in general, a discordant speaks to us. An acerbic pen and topics with humor but never outside the verb and the right words.

is what makes us appreciate Paul Hermant and his Chronicle. Whether sedentary or nomad, in his column, he asks the central question of man's position with the system and vice versa. Whether here or elsewhere.

As summer is here and the heat too, while we're talking about Paul "The Octopus" that he must save his aquarium for his predictions for the Mannschaft.

This fact may seem trivial next to the problems here and there and across latitudes. It is factual yet indicator that enables us to fear the worst for the public service.

RTBF is a public service and we can say what we like and dislike. We can make "common cause" for not falling into caricature critical dune politically correct or fashionable for those who prefer to speak of them that talk about others.

What do, or was agreed by us, the Directors in July?

Others we have said what they had to say. Remember, in a book prefaced by Marc Moulin, "Saving the RTBF, the question" instead of the listener or viewer "against this giant of info, culture, sports and music arises, it is central .

Through Paul Hermant and his column, aim, we have an objectively verifiable indicator of what some people want to head Reyers.

Empty our minds of the people who reference pull up the listeners that we are. Take care not to reveal, except in jokes that are laughed at that time, the problems faced by people, by us.

However, RTBF's mission include:
- to ensure diversity of programs offered to the public, including emissions and offer information, cultural development, continuing education, entertainment and programming for youth. This program offer must present cultural works from the French Community;
- to assemble the broadest possible audiences while meeting the expectations of socio-cultural minorities, without discrimination and reflect the currents of ideas present in society;
- to promote the realization of original productions that values the heritage of the French Community and regional specificities ...

Here, this open letter to Members of the Board of Directors of the RTBF, we want that we want to continue to live these moments, and perpetuate the memories in our heads of our human recorders or magnetic memories of emissions from all backgrounds, all cultures, all sensitivities.

that radio remains in line with personalities as strong and present as Luc Varenne Bachelor Armand, Nicole Cauchie, Jean-Pierre Jaqmin, Jack Gerard, Soda, Marc Moulin, Jean-Pierre Hautier, Jacques Mercier, Chantal Istas, Jules De Smet, Hugh Lepaige Marc Isaiah .... and many others, the list is long, is not it Cédric Claude and Michel Delacroix?

All are part of our history.

After all, no one gets carried away as to what matters.

And an independent public policy trends, patterns, important to us. "

A petition started to circulate, especially on the Internet.
To add your personal touch, please click: HERE .

The snub-nosed, giant scissors of censorship: it is never that early. But we will continue to abide facing history deniers, to believe in the fragile forces of free speech against the pharmacies of cramming ...

Paul Hermant, on 26 July:
- "I do not undo my bag."


Ambria Blinds Company

P. 303. Maxime Steinberg will not write about the Holocaust in Belgium ...


(Mont. JPO / DR).

A sketch of his portrait can be read on the pages 74 and 75 this blog ...

This morning drizzle penetrating no (s) already feel strangely private (s) of lights.

A site is being built in his memory, please click: HERE .


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Can I Use Gelmicin Cream For Ringworm?


Weekend " Jamboree" on the red with the gang from " CCKEVM , unfortunately I could not attend! But here's a little video that shows the section of the Falls of red, really sick ...

Eminent Luggage Reset


I personally think it's a great idea!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If You Sleep With Compression Shorts On


How to throw the oil after frying and save water?

You know how to dispose of frying oil after use?

Do you know where to throw the frying oil or other foods fried in oil?

Even if we do not often fry, we used to throw used oil in sewers or the kitchen sink, or by the toilet. True?

What I sent you on this, turns out to be one of the most common mistake we make.

Why do we do? Simply because it is not clear that anyone we have explained how to do best.

The best way is to recommend to do this:

1. Wait, wait yes, even if it takes time, wait until the oil is completely cool.

1. Pour the remaining oil in a plastic bottle (like bottle of mineral water / cola).

1. Close the bottle and put in household refuse.

A liter of oil spilled into the sink stains one million liters of water !!!!!

What is the amount of water sufficient for a human being for 14 years !!!!!!!!

We all need water!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Compustar Starter Reset


We all think that eating fruits means buying fruit, cut and put in our mouths. This is not so simple. It is important to know how and when to eat fruit.

What is the proper way to eat fruit?

This means eating fruit after a meal! Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach on an empty stomach.

Eating fruit in this way plays a major role in the detoxification of your system, gives you a lot of energy for weight loss and for other activities of life ...

Let's say you eat two slices of bread and a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but is prevented by the other foods do.

At the same time, food will degrade overall ferment and turn into acid. When the fruit comes into contact with food in the stomach with digestive juices, the entire mass of food has already begun to spoil.

Eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meal!
You've heard people complain: Every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat my (durian?) Stomach swells when I eat a banana I feel like running to the bathroom, etc.. That will not happen if you eat fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas. Therefore, you may indigestion!

Hair graying, balding, nervous breakdown, dark circles under the eyes - all this will not happen if you eat fruit on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits like orange and lemon are acidic because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this issue. If you've mastered the proper way to eat fruit, you have the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

When you need to drink fruit juice, drink only fresh fruit juice, not in containers. Do not drink juice that has been heated. Do not eat cooked fruit, you do not get the nutrients at all. You only get a taste ... Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking juice. If you must drink juice, you must drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing. You can do a quick cleaning with a course of three days of fruit to cleanse your body. Eat fruits and drink fruit juice for 3 days only, ... and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but powerful and a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although the apple has a low content of vitamin C, it contains antioxidants and flavonoids that increase the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to reduce the risk of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke brain.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest antioxidant power among major fruits and protect the body against the causes of cancer, against free radicals that can clog blood vessels.

DINING 2-4 oranges a day may help protect against colds, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones, and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Watermelon: The most refreshing thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also equipped with a generous dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system. Also an important source of lycopene, an antioxidant that fights cancer. Also found in watermelon: vitamin C and potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA : champions of vitamin C. They are the winners for their high vitamin C content Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene, good for your eyes.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Discus Thrower Statue Greek Values


Small video showing the new technology in the railway world, but really really awesome!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Indoor Basketball Courts In Atlanta


It happened in the Northwest Territories, this man is lucky to be alive. The guy survived a bear attack. The bear jumped on him while he slept in his tent and he managed to free himself and shoot it. Personally I'd scared to death even before the bear attacked me! completely contradicts the evidence that humans in survival mode, can do almost anything ...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Funny Pubic Hair Design


Wow! malaaaade completely! I'm went to a "Just for Laughs Gala " with Nath alias "The Nature " at St-Denis, but not just any one of " JF & Mercier Louis Morissette " which carried the theme scandal! Mercier is the comedian that I love the most, his sense of humor " trash" makes me laugh dirty! So they invited the other comedian in their set-up, two in succession and large head as Cathy Gauthier, Mike Ward, Dominic & Martin, Dominic Paquet, Sylvain Laroque and some little appearance of George Laraque Claude Dubois, Renaud (Annie and men) The highlight of the Gala "when Mercier brought naked dancers on the stage and the interval of 20 min. Have had the right to a nude dancer (weighing 350 lbs.)" Still remaining within the theme "scandal", it was a great evening of humor as I love them ...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Labeled Diagram Of The Shark


Maiden at the Bell Centre, we were there! Accompanied by Mario aka " the metalheads " we were treated to an evening of high quality with both training " Drean Theater / Iron Maiden " who was visiting Montreal for 2010. Any category are confused Dream Theater best technicians in the world of music, really amazing to see them go on stage, great music for a musician!

First time I saw a Maiden World Tour and the album is not out yet! They just played a tune from "
Final Frontier" and know right! Loyal to their brand name, big stage, impeccable sound, the visual mad, spitting image of what Maiden! Although the guys are old record, Mario remarked to me that Steve Harris (bassist) has not aged and Bruce Dickinson (singer) is shaped squeak!

larger reactions occur during the last 5 pieces. Although overused, Fear Of The Dark still raise an audience as one man, Iron Maiden take another mascot Eddie to come and entertain, The Number Of The Beast is still unavoidable and Hallowed Be Thy Name can be described as a highlight show. After four years of waiting, I'm filled ...

1. The Wicker Man

2. Ghost Of The Navigator
3. Wrathchild
4. El Dorado
5. Dance Of Death
6. The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
7. These Colours Don't Run

8. Blood Brothers
9. Wildest Dreams
10. No More Lies

11. Brave New World
12. Fear Of The Dark

13. Iron Maiden

14. The Number of the Beast
15. Hallowed Be Thy Name

16. Running Free

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Has Anyone Had Brazillian Blowout

Captain Robert Piché

Anecdote: In the world of professional aviation exploits of Captain Robert Piché has raised many questions, " how did he do? . In this closed environment of the airline pilots, nearly all pilots of Air Bus A330 is the world tried to reproduce the landing of Robert Piche simulator, with exactly the same conditions and flight factor! Most of them were successful once in five, and everybody knows that was not Piché two chances! Recall that the plane landed safely after falling out of fuel over the Atlantic Ocean. The commander Piché had cast the device for 19 minutes before landing, saving the 304 people aboard the flight from Toronto to Lisbon. Movie I'll go for sure ...

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Are The Grades Of Melaloma


I made a little "copy / paste of an e-mail I just received one of my friends is a party to climb a 6ooo meters in the Andes, and suddenly I'm very pleased to have such news! Cath you will not loose it be soon ...

" Hello world!

I take a evening of rest spent in a quiet and beautiful hotel located on the shores of Lake Titicaca to send you some news before unhook the internet and modern life for the next 2 weeks!

And so ... What about Bolivia than that it is .... Top! The airport that I am EARTHSCIENCESSECTOR July 3 is the highest in the world, situated at 4,100 meters. You find that your ears clog climbing on an airplane? Tell yourself that you recap yet another blow when the aircraft door opens at La Paz! Climb this high of a sudden, it's almost a half left of his brain on the seat of the plane so it seems to be fried on! But fortunately, after half an hour spent completing the formalities staggering, it's time to jump into a taxi to "down" at 3600 meters, where is the hotel. Phew, finally air! And as a bonus a beautiful sunrise on the Cordillera Real in the distance. Super!

The rest of the day is spent strolling the streets of La Paz, watch the animation of the typical steps and find all sorts of Biza

Today, road jeep Lake Titicaca and crossing to a peninsular in a rustic wooden tray in which we embark ... a bus (!) - there 's already been shipwrecks parait'il, but hey, it's OK not to drink the cup! Beautiful scenery and lunch on sunny terrace, then first summit Bolivia as climbing a hill) of 4080 meters, all the same) which is placed a cross to bear. As Calvary Oka, finally!

He has dated very, very, very beautiful here in altitude ñ sunshine, no clouds, nice temperature, but cold night. For those who rappelelnt my trip to Ecuador or the rain to pass close to immerse myself in despair over the full (!), MECH difference! No choice but to be in a good mood, here it is TEMSP ALL BEAUTIFUL!

We leave tomorrow to Isla del Sol, then do not rock climbing too far, then the glaciers near the Condoriri or we will install the base camp during our mountain. Back in La Paz on the 18th, we'll be in touch at this moment! "

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Denise Milani Natural?


This trip holiday haunts me head! Several hours drive (be 23 round trip), the price of the pass for the week $ $ $ to keep Miss Shanna may be to go in a gang? Anyway I can not stop thinking about it, and I always said that " we just live a life "I'll go this year? Or better yet, put it back? I will take a week vacation and this is against my beliefs, because my winter vacation is because I'm seasonal ...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Beretta Silver Pigeon Iv

second day of testing ... TESTS AND TEST

And here I was seduced by the " Jackson 4Fun " I had rented for two days! So I sold my " Pyranha Reecoil " (perhaps a cousin) and I switch to Jackson ... Oops because the factory in USA that the designs do not provide! several weeks waiting for me, plus I have a " mix colors "I have chosen! In Jackson for a small fee you can choose your colors, just too hot ... Case

Friday, July 2, 2010

Street Value Of 5 Mg Valium


Already 2 years I ride with a " Pyranha Reecoil ", this boat is excellent in its category of "river runner " but nothing in excess, I mean I know a good beginner boat for the descent. My eyes were always facing the company " Jackson" a lot of kayakers ride with them and very popular on our river, so everything being positive comments from their owner, I told myself I'm gonna rent one for a weekend.

So first day of two on my rent
boat completely different, fitting the inside is like a lay-z-boy, with the inflatable balloon system for foot and head! I have the same interior volume as in my Pyranha (be 62 gallons) but I have more space! more flip flop and slide it looks better! very well in between the rollers, as they say one day is not enough, and suddenly my second day will be more "crunchy " what the ultimate test!