Saturday, August 9, 2008

How To Make Build Mudroom Locker Benches

Barcelona, they are mosaics which cover the their psychedelic colors shapes that undulate and anarchists want.
is a candle-lit restaurant, nestled in a stalemate, where wine, smoked ham, goat cheese and tomato bread are eaten with religion, if not emotionally.
They are visionary artists who make the city harbor and deep culture it represents.
is a soulless beach where the sun always gives the best of himself, but he is free to enjoy the decadence embodied concentrate A Rebours by JK Huysmans lying quietly under an umbrella. These are
thrift shops and record stores, on the day, contain outdated beads MAy move and at night when the shutters closed, reveal the true works of art fashioned bomb.
is the Rambla, Sagrada Familia, Plaza Reial, Parc Guell and the filthy mob linked to them sticky. These are streets
ochres to gracefully wrought iron balconies, where laundry hangs from the windows open. Like A Rolling Stone escapes from one of them, perfuming the place where shady cafes, sipping beers and mojitos are.


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