Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Translate English To Hawaiian Sentences

Soloists EIC - American Pioneers (Cité de la Musique - March 1, 2011)

George Perle - Woodwind Quintet No. 1

I like the wind quintets in general, and this is no exception: blending styles to be very difficult to date (composed in 1967, some passages could have the being 40 years earlier), flirting with neo-classicism but using a technique of overlapping or juxtaposed cells much more modern, three-slow-fast movements are lively charming, playfulness or softness (but not much than just that - charming).

John Cage - Music for Wind Instruments

It remains in the woodwind quintet, for an early piece of Cage, who carries all on its originality: the first movement uses only three winds, the second the remaining two, and everyone for the third. There is a simplification of speech which lets consider some future developments of his music, but it retains a melodic aspect almost surprising. But that leaves me little souvenirs.

George Crumb - Eleven Echoes of Autumn

There is much more serious attack. The stage is plunged into darkness when the drums resonate played on piano by Hideki Nagano. The atmosphere is the ritual, the ceremony secret. Various playing techniques (set in the strings of the piano or hit woodwork hammer percussion, violin, mandolin used, or desaturated sounds, flute and clarinet played by resonance in the piano, whispered words and whistles, etc.) create a very dense material but intense emotions. Impalpable and mysterious beauty, one might think inspired by an oriental invented.

Henry Cowell - The Banshee, The Tides of Manaunaun Tiger

These are three short piano pieces, using techniques of cluster rediscovered, developed and popularized by Cowell, and rubbing ropes and others. I understand that other composers have been there many avenues to explore thereafter, but these ideas are given here as a little run of the mill, with little subtlety.

Charles Ives - Trio

They are three (violin, cello, piano), and there are three movements, very distinct from each other: a serious discussion between cello and violin in the background of piano, a sketch "= this tsiaj Scherzo Is A Joke "full of quotations, and a memory of Sunday religious solemnity and full of righteous compunction. Okay, this is a chamber music side that I did not know the music of Ives, which is easier to access than the sometimes too spectacular pieces for orchestra.

Spotify : George Perle: Complete Wind Quintets , George Crumb: Echoes of Autumn 11, Henry Cowell - Piano Music , American Classics: Charles Ives